Inspired by the blog One Hundred Percent Completion (, I am embarking on a new daylog/noding project: my video game backlog.  At present I own over 50 console and handheld games that I have never finished, some of which I have barely even played. They outnumber games I have finished by at least two-to-one; this situation really ought to change.

So I plan to concentrate on finishing these games, and then noding them when I finish, provided they haven't been already. Since I want this project to actually be doable, I will be limiting the set of games.  First, I will only be considering console and handheld games, my collection of PC games having enough problems just running on modern hardware. Second, I will only be including games for systems newer than and including the original PlayStation on the console side and the Game Boy Advance on the handheld side, including Wii Virtual Console games. I will of course exclude arcade and open-ended games like Crazy Taxi, Brain Age, and Wii Sports, as well as rhythm games like Dance Dance Revolution and Guitar Hero, and I am also excluding retro compilations on a case-by-case basis. 

With these selection criteria in mind, the list of games is as follows:

Sony PlayStation (1) (12 games, 1 node): 

Sony PlayStation 2 (7 games, 2 nodes):

Nintendo GameCube (13 games, 5 nodes):

Nintendo Wii (2 games, 2 nodes):

Nintendo Wii Virtual Console (6 games, 1 node):

Sega Dreamcast (6 games, 2 nodes):

Nintendo Game Boy Advance (7 games, 3 nodes):

Nintendo DS (9 games, 6 nodes):

In total: 62 games, 22 nodes

With so many games to play, this is certainly a long-term project. As such, this list will probably be lengthened by new games, though with any luck not as fast as it diminishes. I may also remove some games from this list by selling them, though this will only occur in the case of games I do not like enough to finish. I may have bitten off more than I can chew, but I guess I did that when I bought all these games to begin with.  I will be starting with Chrono Trigger on Playstation, Super Paper Mario on Wii, A Link to the Past on Virtual Console, and Children of Mana on DS. I will keep the list of games on my Scratch Pad up to date with future developments and may daylog about this again in the future.