This morning on AOLIM:

tinahb77: I gave an old lady three dollars today. She looked like my Aunt Thelma or my great grandmother. She only had pennies and dimes in her cup. Her face was so wrinkled. I almost cried. I felt drawn to her.

tinahb77: When I turned around to look at her again, she wasn't there. I hope I wasn't seeing my future. I wonder if she was real?

gjeffb77: Yeah, she was real.

gjeffb77: I don't think she was you.

tinahb77: she was so sad

tinahb77: and dirty. I hope she went off to get food.

tinahb77: She was counting her pennies when I walked up to her. She wasn't even begging

gjeffb77: :-(

tinahb77: we waste so much

tinahb77: we have so much

gjeffb77: I know, I know.