Me and my family were in my house. Well, it wasn't the house I occupy in my waking hours, but I identified it as home in the dream.

Anyway, me and my family were under fire. Shit. And guess who the culprit was? Characters out of the computer game Damage Incorporated! It was the White Paladdin guys. They had a helicopter as well. Now, I was stood at my window with a gun (it's the automatic rifle that's in the game), and was trying to shoot one of the bad guys, who has just stood there looking at me. I pulled the trigger and nothing came out. My brother ran past and shouted "Cock it, you damn fool!" and pulled the safety back. I tried to shoot at the guy in the helicopter, and the dream ended.

Weird shit. The strangest thing is that, for some reason, all the way through this dream I thought my mum owned a landrover. She owns a Ka.