An expanded version of Truth or Dare is played in certain areas, such as rural Iowa where there is nothing else to do. This version is called "Truth, Dare, Double Dare, Promise to Repeat, Fire and Ice." The dares are as follows:

Truth: answer a personal question, such as "Who do you have a crush on?"
Dare: minor dare, such as eating a whole stick of butter or playing Ding Dong Ditch
Double Dare: bigger dare, usually involving public nudity or liberating garden gnomes
Promise to Repeat: You must yell something embarrassing in public later. Usually the dare here is to yell "I am a retard!" on the playground the next day.
Fire and Ice: Similar to "Promise to Repeat" but more daring. This often requires repeating something that could get you beat up or put in detention, such as calling the school bully "retard" or calling your teacher "fatass"