My best friend has been in love with the same boy since I met her in the 6th grade.

Jodi has always loved to write. The first time I went to her house I was awed at the shelves of journals she had filled, and this was only by the age of 12. And so, the way they met was perfect.

Jodi and David both had the same English teacher. But they didn't have class at the same time. Jodi would have english in the morning, and David had it in the afternoon. Jodi and David sat at the same desk. The desks at our school had little cubbies attached to the bottoms for keeping books and pencils in. Jodi kept her things on one side, David kept his things on the other. Their first interaction was thus:

Thank you for keeping our desk so clean. -Jodi

A note left in the desk, which spawned replies, inside jokes, doodles and eventually, a friendship.

David, like any boy that age, was deeply uncertain about Jodi. I remember many times her telling me about how he confused her, she was so sure of her feelings, why couldn't he make up his mind? He obviously liked her.

David and I both moved away in 7th grade. I moved an hour north, and then two years later to Missouri, and then not quite a year later I ended up in Florida. David moved to Virginia, incidentally, where I was born and Jodi's family is from. And so we left our girl alone out in San Diego and before we knew it we where in high school

Jodi and David kept in touch. Phone calls, emails, letters, visits, summer trips together. You almost didn't notice the transition from friends to a couple.

There was trouble. 5 years, cross country, high school sweethearts is hard. I threatened both of their lives on more than one occassion for their actions. But they always got through it. They always trusted eachother and had faith that what they were doing was right, even though all their friends, including me, called them crazy.

Two years ago we all went off to college. I stayed in florida, choosing to attend a small liberal arts school. They both went to James Madison University and disappeared for a while, so happy to be with eachother.

Two days ago I got a call from Jodi:

So....what are your summer plans?

I dunno. Get a job, an apartment.....

Well...I need you to fly out to San Diego for a few weeks to be my maid of honor.

I always knew they would get married. It was something I took on faith. Jodi always gets what she wants. But now that it is happening, it is deeply comforting.

Some plans do work out just how they should....