Ahh red beer1. Red beer is hair of the dog for the professional drinker. It is a bloody mary for the bloody poor. It is how fathers and sons bond early on a Sunday morning. It is beer with tomato juice in.


My dad invented this drink when I was old enough to remember him making it. That many other people had also been making this drink, even before he made it, and that I was unable to find anything on the history of the drink, has nothing to do with anything.


  • Beer
  • Tomato Juice, in


Pour 12 oz. of beer and 2 oz. of tomato juice into a glass. If the act of pouring them did not mix them, mix them.


Red beer is traditionally made with a lager. More specifically, red beer is made with the cheap, watery brew you were chugging last night. You aren't a kid anymore you know, you don't get bonus points for finishing the 12-pack.

Substituting better ingredients may, as in other culinary endeavors, result in a better product. It may just cause regret when a really good beer is destroyed by pouring some tomato juice in it. I recommend Budweiser. I'll not be held responsible if you ruin your MMII with some V8.

This recipe may be modified and personalized in a thousand little ways. Consider Worcestershire sauce, salt and/or pepper, various decorative vegetables, an egg, soy sauce, garlic or other spices or flavors, anything else you've seen go into a cocktail. Start with the basic so you know what you are working with and then have fun from there. If you end up with a recipe you really enjoy send it to me or post it below here.

I'd considered adding an anecdote from my youth along with some other ratios but then I considered contributing to the delinquency of minors and considered I'd just call this done. Good morning and happy drinking.

1Originally noded under red beer, thanks to RACECAR and wertperch for pointing out my mistake and extra thanks to werty for reparenting this for me.

Palpz says re red beer: dear mr. golFUR: Might I suggest using Mott's Clamato instead of old regular tomato juice

You may! You may be a friggin genius for suggesting this. That Clamato stuff is yummy. Note also, with the tomato juice for fruit, the hops for vegetable, the barley for grains and the clam juice for meat, this is now a well balanced meal!