Is fairly easy to make.

To cover my ass, I am not advocating the use of illegal substances. That would be ever so wrong. Go on. Smoke that joint. You know you want to.

  1. Get thyself a large plastic bottle, duct tape, water, scissors, a drinking straw and a fatty boom batty blunt.
  2. Put water into bottle.
  3. Cut hole in bottle, using scissors.
  4. Insert straw into hole, so end of straw is below water line.
  5. Using tape, fix straw so its as stationary and airtight as possible.
  6. Stick joint in other end of straw.
  7. Light joint.
  8. Place mouth over neck of bottle.
  9. Inhale.

            |       |                     
            |       | ____________     
            |       | |  _________  -spliff stuck in straw
           /         \/ /
          /          / / - straw
         /          / /|
         |         / / |
         |        / /  |  -bottle
         |       / /   |
         |~~~~~~/ /~~~~|
         |     / /     |
         |             |

/me sits back and waits for nukage