By John Irving
John Irving wrote a good book. It was so good that it became an International Bestseller. This contemporary novel had comedy that any person could relate to, with massive amounts of sarcastic remarks and hidden funny meanings. A PRAYER FOR OWEN MEANY was the prayer of mankind - but especially the American people. Everything that occurred happened for a reason.
In 1987 John Wheelwright narrates the story of his childhood while living in his current residence of Toronto, Canada. The story John Wheelwright is telling takes place in Gravesend, New Hampshire, with common occurrence at either 8th Front Street, Gravesend Academy, or Dan's apartment. The book jumps in chronology constantly, sometimes leaving out details and later returning to them.
- John Wheelwright was born in 1942. The learner of the book. Raised by an aristocratic family and best friends to Owen, he mixes many worlds together and creates religious faith.
- Owen Meany was born in 1942. Dwarf sized and squeaky high-pitched voice. All dialogue by this character is in capitals. Family in granite business. Accidently kills John's mother Tabby. Was told by his parents to be of virgin birth!!! Believes himself to be similar to Christ and has a dream about saving Vietnamese children, later this dream becomes a reality and he ends up dying while saving them in real life from a grenade.
- Hester Eastman was John's youngest cousin. Rebellious against parents, wants to marry Owen. Later became Rock Star as Hester the Molester.
- Dan Needham, Johnny’s good stepfather and mentor who encourages the boys, helps in getting them an education and boarding. He never knows who Johnny’s real father is.
- Mrs. Tabby Wheelwright (Johnny's mother). Lady in Red. Was accidently killed by Owen Meany in the summer of 1953 by the Foul Ball.
- Rev. Louis Merrill, (Johnny's father) has a secret affair with Mrs. Wheelwright. Loses faith as Reverend, later gains it back when Johnny throws the baseball through the church window.
- Lydia is Mrs. Wheelwright's maid, and loses a leg to cancer spending the rest of her life in a wheelchair.
- Harriet Wheelwright, Johnny's maternal grandmother, represents the Wheelwright aristocratic background.
- Rev. Dudley Wiggin runs the Christmas pageant where Owen plays as baby Jesus.
- Barb Wiggin the wife of Dudley, purposely gives Owen an erection just before Owen's performance in the play. Also vocalized Owen's leaving of that church, though that would not have stopped Owen had he had a different opinion.
- Noah and Simon Eastman, brothers of Hester and cousins to John. Both are wild and "off the walls" as children play mates.
- Dick Jarvits kills Owen Meany with a grenade he tossed to John (who then did The Shot with Owen in under 3 seconds) and
the Dick is killed by Major Rawls.
Point of View:
John Wheelwright's point of view, though at times Owen's is very apparent too.
Opening paragraphs (First scene):
John Wheelwright starts ranting on about Owen and Owen's difficulties. He continues talking about religion and his death, and the first taste of Anti Americanism is given to the reader. John talks about his first relations with Owen, especially in church and their games with him by picking him up.
Plot Outline:
Owen Meany and John Wheelwright grow up in Gravesend, New Hampshire, where they learn from each other and grow together as best friends. Owen is physically pathetic in his younger years but becomes fit because of the army, though his voice never changes. Owen was told he was of virgin birth, plays the part of baby Jesus in a pageant and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, and sacrifices his life for Vietnamese children. John finds religion through the miracle of Owen Meany. Owen encourages John to become a teacher, go to Canada, among other things, which John does all of (receiving a degree in English). A majority of the book is about the mystery of John's parents, his mother who Owen accidently killed, used to be the Lady in Red. His father, who is unknown for the majority of the book (with clues to the reader and known by Owen early on). Owen serves in the army as a casualty-assistance officer, escorting dead soldier bodies back to their families.
In July in Phoenix, Arizona, Owen sacrifices his life saving the children with John committing The Shot as a grenade is tossed to John. Owen's arms are blown off and he bleeds to death in the arms of a penguin nun, just as in his dream.
Meaningful Quotes that illustrate how funny this book was:
- (John’s mom has) “THE BEST BREASTS OF ALL THE MOTHERS.” - Chap 1
- "EVERY TIME YOU GET A BONER, TRY TO THINK IF YOU REMIND YOURSELF OF ANYONE YOU KNOW." (Owen’s advice to Johnny in his search for his father!) - Chap 6
- "A LITTLE BREATHLESS, VERY BEAUTIFUL, MAYBE A LITTLE STUPID, MAYBE A LOT SMARTER THAN SHE SEEMED." (Owen’s reference of Marilyn Monroe being just like America...) Chap 8
- ”Hester the Molester.” (Multiple times, multiple chapters)
Further Details:
- John Wheelwright is a Virgin for his whole life.
- In Comparison - Hester
molests has sexual relations with countless boys.
- Owen and Hester never marry. Nor does Hester go to Owen’s funeral.
- John Wheelwright attains Canadian citizenship, with purposes unknown.
- The book swears multiple times, at least a couple hundred - and my AP English teacher advised us that reading this book could offend us.