Here's a little something I captured out of the Chatterbox last year. I found it on my hard drive (the file was dated 8/24/2000), and I thought you might enjoy it.
This is not a daylog.
sensei> Oh oh.
dbrown is in town. We might
go down. Don't
let us go down, dbrown.
<sensei> So, I gather not so much.
Ground Control> Let's go for a night on the town in an evening
gown, dbrown
me> . o O ( Sensei =
Dr Seuss? )
<sensei> dbrown, dbrown. Such a nice sound.
<Gorgonzola> Will we go down from a server crash? Will we go down
from corned beef hash?
<sensei> It makes me feel round to say "dbrown".
<sensei> You know what I've found about Mr. dbrown?
<sensei> When he is around, the server goes down.
<Gorgonzola> Will we get a new perlfu script? Will the big red switch
be flipped?
<sensei> Under the mound is where we'll be found until the server
goes up again, thanks to dbrown.
ailie> not for me! i sent dbrown
cookies in exchange for a promise
that e2 would never be down. MUAHAHAHAHHA!
<sensei> Ah! It is because of ailie that we are here daily!
<sensei> I thought it was
nate who controlled our fate.
<ailie> i sent nate cookies too.
dem bones> CHECK.
simonc> A host is a host from coast to coast, and no one will talk
to a host that's close, Unless the host (that isn't close), is busy, hung
or dead. -
RFC 1127 "A Perspective on the Host Requirements RFCs"
<Gorgonzola> If it's truly nate who controls our fate, then it's
not too late to be EDB bait!
briiiiian want cookie
baffo> Methinks the collective mind has taken a dip into