Madness and Rusty Nails at Chez Wonko
Today started out strangely, I woke-up somewhat early,
a severely strange occurance for me, and I watched cartoons. Since I wasn't needed at work I decided to go to my friend
Scott's house to burn some random crap in his back yard. Everything started out with a beer run,
'cause nothing goes better with fire than beer, and we proceeded collect stuff to burn.
In the initial process I ended up stubbing my toe on a honeysuckle stump, and nearly getting my crotch royally racked with the end of a branch.
I should have thought to be more careful. Now,
Scott has a section of culvert pipe that serves as a place to contain the flames, which is cool,
IF you can get it started. Well, it
did start, after pouring on motor oil, gasoline, and lighter fluid, and a great deal of all three, no less.
After we decided that being inside the fence was way too hot we moved out to the yard. Wind picked up and I spent the next half hour
valiantly trying to remove the ash from my eye. I finally remembered a bit of advice from
Inspector Gadget and got it out,
but not before I spent 15 minutes with a hose nozzle flowing into my eye. I got another beer, a smoke and moved on.
Not two minutes later I managed to get the head of a nail stuck into the bottom of my foot.
After much swearing, hopping, and wound cleaning, I got
Scott to drive me to the nearest clinic. I signed in and so forth, letting them know I'd be outside if I got called. It was busy so I figured I'd have time to smoke. I ran out of smokes, so Scott went out to get more and came back with a pack of cigarettes and a six-pack of Red Stripe.
We spent a decent amount of time remarking on general absurdity, in particular the fact that
we were sitting outside a clinic drinking beer and smoking cigatettes. After I
finally got treated, it was only a tetanus shot and some hydrogen peroxide,
WHOO HOO, we went to liquor stores, all the while I was strolling my shoeless gimpy stroll.
Even though I will probably have a sore foot for about a week, it's cool because I had a fun/fucked up time, got drunk, and a free burger. It was not too bad a time, just strange