I want to fall through the sky and never ever land

Sometimes I want to fall. I want to lie in a cloud, feel it wrapping over me, and sink through it. And fall. I want to fall through the sky and never ever land. I want to feel my hair whip my face. I want to feel gravity pulling me down, slowly at first as I hit cloud after cloud, but then faster and faster until everything around me is a blur, the birds, the planes, the stars and all I will feel is my hair whipping my face and my bare arms over my heavy stomach. My heart will race and I will be breathless. My legs will be outstretched and my feet, naked. I will feel the resistance tantalize first my spine then envelope my waist and close over my face, my breasts, my stomach. I will hear the sky and smell the sky. I will see only what I want to see and think only what I want to think, but I shall fall and fall and never land.