Album Information
Album: Hellbilly Deluxe
Artist: Rob Zombie
Original Release: August 25, 1998
Record Label: Geffen Records
Tracks: Thirteen
Running Time: Thirty-eight minutes, twenty-two seconds Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Explicit lyrics

This is Rob Zombie's first solo project. It is an amazing album that deals a lot with death and murder. The album was very well-received by White Zombie fans. The album art is a flattering picture of Rob Zombie in full makeup and costume, with the words "Rob Zombie" and "Hellbilly Deluxe" to his right in very stylized type. The art contains other miscellaneous oddities such as a pentacle under the album name.

The bass and drums in this album, while they may not be complex, are excellent for the purposes of headbanging, Quaking, or scaring people. The lyrics do much to add to the scariness. People who would be scared by this album include, but are not limited to: your little sister, your older brother, your parents, you, and your friends.

Track Information
  1. Call of the Zombie (0:30)
    The chilling intro. It features a young girl speaking a creepy nursery rhyme. Mix in innocent laughter and screams.
  2. Superbeast (3:40)
    Often hailed as Rob Zombie's greatest song. It has amazing bass. The lyrics are only slightly more frightening than the rest of the album.
  3. Dragula (3:42)
    Probably the most well-known Rob Zombie song, undoubtedly from its presence on The Matrix soundtrack. The song name refers not directly to Dracula, but to the car of The Munsters which Rob Zombie owns.
  4. Living Dead Girl (3:20)
    As one may be able to guess from the title of the song, the song deals with necrophilia. The song opens with a man asking, "Who is this irresistable creature who has an insatiable love for the dead?"
  5. Perversion 99 (1:43)
    A brief interlude. Throughout the song there is, what sounds like, a human voice singing but with no lyrics; it is just a sort of loud moan.
  6. Demonoid Phenomenon (4:11)
    My favorite track. It has fantastic bass and drums. The name of the song is oddly interesting as well.
  7. Spookshow Baby (3:38)
    There is a large contrast in this song. Half of it is Rob Zombie softly speaking lyrics, while the other half is him yelling it in his normal style. Makes for an interesting effects.
  8. How to Make a Monster (1:38)
    It is hard to make out the lyrics of this song. After looking them up, I must say lines such as, "A child bride with bloody eyes got Satan on the brain," make me feel like I should not have sought them.
  9. Meet the Creeper (3:12)
    Again, great bass in this song. Rob's "Yeah.. YEAH!" in the chorus is just what makes him the amazing musician he is.
  10. The Ballad of Resurrection Joe and Rosa Whore (3:56)
    With the exception of the chorus, this song is not nearly as heavy as the rest of the album.
  11. What Lurks on Channel X? (2:29)
    The music in the beginning of this song is quite impressive. My descriptions could not do it justice. I recommend you, if nothing else, listen to this song atleast once. The lyrics leave little to be desired, however.
  12. Return of the Phantom Stranger (4:31)
    The intro to the song is in Latin. My rudimentary knowledge of Latin only hints that it is talking about how "The Phantom Stranger" is returning from his eternal rest. It would be easier if I had a transcription of the lyrics but I do not. If you can help in this endeavor, please /msg me.
  13. The Beginning of the End (1:52)
    Another instrumental. There is not much to share about this song.

<---   White Zombie / Rob Zombie   --->
