user since
Mon Nov 27 2000 at 21:50:03 (24.3 years ago )
last seen
Thu Nov 27 2008 at 00:15:17 (16.3 years ago )
number of write-ups
239 - View Big Alba's writeups (feed)
level / experience
8 (Encyclopedist) / 4295
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mission drive within everything
To further the amazing Everything 2 community
Ancient History
Monaro High School
"Veni, Vidi, Vici."
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By facing life's struggles with courage, we constantly extend our capabilities. Without courage, nothing else can be done!


Blind faith has no place in Asatru. No pie-in-the-sky; we must act in this world as we see it and as it really is rather than calmly wait for the next.


We must be true to what we are, and we insist on acting with nobility rather than baseness. Our standards must be banners held high in our hearts.


We stand true to our faith and our values. Loyalty is the basis for all enduring human activity, and we hold it in the highest esteem.


The isolation and loneliness of modern life is not necessary. The willingness to share what one has with ones' fellows, especially travelers, is a vital part of our way of life.


We hold to the discipline necessary to fulfill our purpose. We stand willing to exercise the self-control and steadfastness necessary in these difficult times.


Let us dare to be all that we can be! Let us take risks and taste the richness of life. Passivity is for sheep. We refuse to be mere spectators in life.


We depend on our own strength and character to achieve our goals. We seek only the freedom necessary to our quest, whatever it may be.


We hold to our path until its completion and are not ashamed to be strong. The cult of the anti-hero will find no support in us, and the gods we follow are not for the weak.

"Cattle die, kinsmen die,

One day you yourself must die.

I know one thing that never dies:

The dead man's reputation."

- Havamal, Sayings of the High One


We come from the land of ice and snow,
from the midnight sun,
where the hotsprings blow.

Hammer of the Gods,
will drive our ships to new lands,
to fight the horde,
singing and crying: Valhalla I am coming!

On we sweep,
with threshing oar,
our only goal will be the Western shore!


We come from the of land the ice and snow,
with the midnight sun,
where the hotsprings blow.

How soft, your fields so green,
can whisper tales of gore,
of how we calmed the tides of war,
we are your overlords.

On we sweep,
with threshing oar,
our only goal will be the Western shore!

So now you better stop,
and rebuild all your ruins,
for peace and trust you'll win the day,
despite all your losing!"

- Led Zeppelin, Immigrant Song

change = cHaOS

Veni, Vidi, Vici
I came, I saw, I conquered

Liberti persona per servus ad Republica, amplexus ad Tyrranus
Liberate yourself from the slavery of the Republic, embrace the Principate

Is the purpose of your homenode to preach? No.
Then why? Because I am an Asatruist, I am a heathen, this is who I am.

Welcome to my world, I will do my best to explain it. History fascinated me; any aspect, but especially ancient and medieval history. Within those topics, I find myself drawn to Roman, Norse, Germanic, Viking and Byzantine history. I one day hope to write large books on all of these topics, and more; to write something never written before, something unique and interesting.

Don't judge me you don't know me.

We can change that. As you know, I am Jason Abela, I am an Asatruist and I thoroughly enjoy history. I worship Woten, Ulle, Skade, Heimdall and Tir. I live in Cooma, a small country town in New South Wales, Australia. I like computers, I like to snowboard, I liked to skateboard, I like punk, rap, rock and Odin's Horde music. What are my goals in life? To become a historian, to bring the values of Asatru into my life, to please my Gods and one day ascend to Valhalla.

Now you know me.

Let the games begin.

New to E2? Try this.

The Wonkoalition

And then we were left, alone and without leadership. WonkoDSane had been banished for reasons unkown and reasons that would not be disclosed, he had sealed his own fate. I bid thee farewell, kind master. Your spirit shall live on, this group shall never die, we shall turn to new leadership and remember who you were!

What I hope to get out of E2: Nothing but the honour of being a part of such a community.
What I hope to give to E2: Many, worthwhile, factual WU's to enhance the database.
What I would like to do now: Acknowledge some people.

The following: my attempt to reconcile the past.

To those I have annoyed, infuriated and generally pissed off (mainly Content Editors, gods and distinguished members of the Everything 2 community): I apologize.

I would especially like to to apologize to Dem Bones and thank him for not banning my ass. I deserved it when I first appeared on this site.

And Rancid Pickle, I would like to thank profusely for sticking with me and showing me the ropes. If it were not for your sage words and your mentorship, I don't think I'd be able to apologize today.

Others to acknowledge:
Chaos brought me to this site.
Simonc, was always a good friend.
Demeter, whom I bothered constantly to look over my horrid stories.
Azzer, taught me poetry can be fun.
Eponymous, whom taught me much through his words and actions, primarily that the world is not black and white, and that I am sometimes just wrong.

I would tell you more, but I don't feel like it. Be wise, fight with honour.
Work hard, be honest, it will pay off.
Who's evil? Who cares? Let's have fun!.
We all die. Not all die in battle. I just take care of the messy work.
Life is beautiful. Just don't anger me.
I am beautiful. Let there be peace.
Winter is harsh and it has made me so. Let the hunt begin.
A winter's blessing or a winter's curse.
A sonnet for the world.
Be ever vigilant.
Justice and war.
Justice for all.
A salty gail shall bring my wrath.

Heaven, Hell and Earth.

My most favourite nodes and why:

Mechwarrior: I'm a die hard fan.
1000: Its just so fun.
Welsh History: History, the way it should be.
Rome: My favourite Italian city/principate.
Byzantium: My favourite eastern city/principate.
Scandinavia: The heartland of the mighty Norse.
The Halls of the Norse Gods, Asatru: My religion, and apart from that, the most interesting mythology out there IMHO.
E2 Nuke Request: The power to destroy, and hopefully further the community at the same time.

These are nothing to be proud of, but they're on the rise, and that is something to be proud of.

21/5/03: Merit: 4.03 Node-Fu: 5.6

16/6/03: Merit: 5.50 Node-Fu: 7.6

22/6/03: Merit: 7.00 Node-Fu: 9.4

A winter blessing to you all, and may the Gods favour you.