user since
Tue Feb 16 1999 at 20:55:24 (26.1 years ago )
last seen
Thu May 4 2006 at 06:05:09 (18.9 years ago )
number of write-ups
349 - View Amoeba Protozoa's writeups (feed)
level / experience
11 (Literatus) / 6970
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
To remain completely un-focused.
Weird technical terms, history, poetry, and food.
University of Minnesota/Naked Dogs Inc./Digi International
The grass is always greener on the other side, but you still have to mow it.
most recent writeup
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Fact Sheet

   /me misses sensei

Sex: Male DOB: 04-27-1980 Hometown: Minnetonka, MN Studies: Linguistics & Computer Science Languages Appreciated: English, French, Japanese, Korean & Yiddish Favorite Foods: Sushi, Thai Curry, & Good Beef Steak Other Foods Eaten: Everything but Monkey Brains (That's like eating a family member!) Interests: Language, Photography, Cooking, Networking Technologies, Writing, Music, & Life in General My Homepage: Highest Rep. Node: Kit Kat Konspiracy Lowest Rep. Node: December 11, 2001 Favorite Node by Me: Kit Kat Konspiracy

Hate writing out my nick to /msg me? You may also reach me by:

       /msg a_p You spelled cat, kat in foonode you silly dork!

In other news...

05/04/2006: stopped in to pick up the mail...
03/29/2003: Updated my old node pad thai to be more with the times & began to node kanji again. Do try the pad thai recipe, it's the best pad thai I've ever had!

01/17/2002: I've updated my favorite node Kit Kat Konspiracy today with findings from my recent trip to Hong Kong. Please have a look!

07/20/2001: I recently purchased a neat little Intel USB camera and I am just dying to use it! Please, if you a camera a H.323 client (like NetMeeting) give me a /msg!

Nodes by me I think are worth a damn:

Some of my poetry:

Nodes I have gotten the shaft on, for no good reason:

Daylog entries of mine which are well written and interesting:

These are bookmarks of other noders work I have found to be worth a damn, personally: