I think this dream can be interpreted as a Love Dream. In any case, it had a real impact on me.

I lived in an area contrary to where I live in reality, and it was in the process of being threatened by a large-scale natural disaster of some sort. (A Hurricane perhaps?) Myself, and many of my co-workers were running across what appeared to be a lightly-colored desert. I remember one of the engineers I work with, looking back behind us and yelling "Do you want to reflect on your life, or do you want to die now?" attempting to encourage others to run with us.

Apparently, I was in a serious relationship with a woman named "Lisa" - except this "Lisa" looked and talked like my company's former-receptionist-turned-provisioner. Why she was now named "Lisa", I couldn't say.

What was really nice about this dream, was that Lisa and I were completely devoted to one another. This fact became evident later on in the dream, where all of us were now making our way through an industrial-steel maze-like building. We went down a shaft with powerful vents, only to meet someone pointing a gun at us.

We were forced to sit down and answer trivia questions. If a person got an answer correct, the person with the gun would slightly morph into something else at which time, they would have to be beaten until unconscious or dead. "Lisa" refused to leave my side, and I refused to leave hers. We stuck it out together to the very end, where we reached the ocean, and took off in a cube-like pod.