A *n?x utility implemented at Carnegie Mellon University for curious or obsessive users. The program takes the name of a computer cluster as a command-line argument. It takes between 30 seconds and a minute to query each machine in the lab. When it's done, you will receive a Zephyr message with a pseudo-graphical map of the cluster, complete with usernames of each user logged into each machine.

Incredibly useful with zlocate and zwatch if you want to stalk people.

$ zmap 5203
Generating map...

                  Personal Message at 23:58:54 on Fri Aug 10

                 -DOOR-                                 -DOOR-
.-------------            .------------.------------.            -------------.
|   motrin   |            |   advil    |   aleve    |            |   anacin   |
|  ( down )  |            |            |            |            |            |
.----------l--            |----------l-|----------l-|            -----------l-.
|   midrin   |                                                   | ascriptin  |
|            |                                                   |            |
.----------l--            -------------.-------------            -----------l-.
| methadone  |            |   vioxx    |  morphine  |            |   asprin   |
|            |            |            |            |            |  ( down )  |
.----------l--            -----------l-.----------l--            -----------l-.
| ibuprofen  |            |  vicodin   |  naproxen  |            |  bufferin  |
|            |            |  ( down )  |            |            |            |
.----------l--            -----------l-.----------l--            -----------l-.
|  fiorinal  |            |  tylenol   |   nuprin   |            |  celebrex  |
|    ndm     |            |            |            |            |            |
.----------l--            -----------l-.----------l--            -----------l-.
                          |   stadol   |  percodan  |
|                         |  ( down )  |            |
\    l = Linux            -----------l-.----------l--            -------------.
 D       Dell PIII                                               |  codeine   |
  O                                                              |            |
   O               |------------|------------|------------|      -----------l-.
    R              |  excedrin  |  demerol   |   darvon   |      |  darvocet  |
     \             |            |    ejk     |    ejk     |      |            |
      -            .----------l-.----------l-.----------l-.      -----------l-.
Map by Steve Sinha, 9/28/00
                            I am not Tobin G Coziahr's bitch. <jweill> on unix47

In the interest of rich content, this is a screen shot of what zmap looks like when run on the Wean Hall 5203 computer cluster on a Friday night in the summer time. True to form, there are actually people, whose Andrew ID's are indicated in boldface, there. ejk is hogging two computers, although that's fine as long as there are available computers for others to use. That underlined line at the bottom is my Zephyr sig, which is a silly in-joke from a bboard last year. (In the absence of a Zephyr sig, the user's real name is displayed.) It is followed by my Andrew ID, and the system from which I am running this program. (Hard links added by yours truly. Non-link-related boldface and underlining are produced by vt100 character formatting.)

Update Aug 26 2001: The userID display has been replaced with the word Login. Spying has just become more difficult.

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