The so-called "Father of the Smart Drugs". Produced originally by UCB Pharmaceuticals. The term nootropic was coined after this drug was invented. Piracetam causes an increase in memory and learning in healthy people. It also protects neurons under conditions of hypoxia (oxygen starvation). It is almost completely non-toxic.

One of the "best" (my personal favorite) effects of Piracetam is that it enhances communication between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, causing bursts of creativity.

There are many other nootropics available, including Pramiracetam, Aniracetam, Oxiracetam, Deprenyl, centrophenoxine (Lucidril), Hydergine, and Dilantin.

I have taken pircetam on numerous occasions, and I'd like to share some of my fun experiences.

There are 2 serious experiences which stick out in my mind. First, I need to say that Piracetam isn't a speed-like drug. It may or may not work on any given indivdual, or at least you wont know if its working or not. It does not necessarly make you hyper, and it does not have any side effects of stimulants. What it is however, is a cognitive enhancing drug. If it does this or not could be debated. But it certainly had some interesting effects.

Experience 1
I had woken up to go to school, but I was up late the previous night, so I was extremely tired. Not just the physical "I need to sleep" but the mental "I dont want to think" kind of tiredness that you often get first thing in the morning. So I popped 800 mg of pircetam and 1200 mg of Lecithin as a neurotransmitter replacement. So, I managed to get onto the bus. Now, have you ever been SO tired you just sit on the bus, close your eyes and start to drift off? Well that was what I was doing. Except... instead of having that mental tiredness that lets you fall asleep, I just couldn't fall asleep, it was like my brain was all ready to go and my body had enough. Which certainly was true ;-) So I rode the bus all the way to UBC like this, in a eyes closed but wide awake state. Quite interesting, and while not as fun as, say, pot, very interesting.

Experience 2
One day, I thought to myself, I know what I'll do the next day as an experiment, I'll set my alarm at some ungodly hour like 10am, and take some piracetam, and lie back and wait for it to kick in (takes ~ 30 minutes or so) and then get up. Well I did that, but instead of waking up, I fell asleep for the next 2 hours. However, I drempt very rapid and vivid dreams for the next 2 hours STRAIGHT. When I woke up I was amazed at the dreams. They faded quickly, and I can't remember anything, but I do recall being very surprised at how it seemed like I drempt continiously for the whole 2 hours.

I'd have to give piracetam a two thumbs up in general. If you find you get headaches and you're not taking a supplement such as Lecithin, then you're going to want to get some ASAP and your headaches should subside rapidly.
I went to a little club in Vancouver known as BaBaLu. I was Mister D.D. and thus I couldn't drink. So I took 400 mg of piracetam. While I did not feel high, nor did I get all excitable, at the end of the night at 2am when everyone else was yawning, I was perfectly awake, alert. After we got home, I stayed up for a further hour reading "Red Storm Rising" until 3:30am. Don't take piracetam at night ;-)
Piracetam (or 2-oxo-1-pyrrolidineacetamide) is a so-called "smart drug" or nootropic that was first synthesized in 1964. Structurally, it has many similarities to the amino acid pyroglutamate and is a derivative of GABA. It is considered an unscheduled substance in the United States and has not been approved by the FDA for human consumption, though in many other countries it has been available over the counter or on a prescription basis since the 1970s -- most commonly under the brand name of Nootropil.

The exact neurochemical effect that piracetam has on the brain is still unclear, though most scientific evidence seems to indicate that it facilitates neurochemical reactions involving choline as well as aids in the reception of signals at various neurotransmitter receptors. It has also been suggested that it may increase blood flow to the brain, increase communications between the two hemispheres of the brain, or act as a protective agent against damage to brain tissue and cells.

Typically reported effects of piracetam from the general public are improved memory, improved learning ability, better concentration, and a general "waking up of the brain." In clinical trials it has shown promise in treating some cognitive conditions such as dyslexia and memory loss associated with Alzheimer's Disease, dementia, or simple old age. Side-effects are rarely reported, but can include nausea, headaches, increased anxiety, insomnia, and tremors. No research on any long-term side-effects has been conducted.

Suggested daily dosages vary anywhere between 800mg to 4000mg, usually spread across several doses taken over the course of the day. Given the relatively low occurrence and mild nature of any side-effects, those who begin taking piracetam are typically able to experiment with different amounts and find a dose that is both effective and comfortable within several weeks. Anecdotal evidence suggests that new users may wish to take a higher dose for the first few days if they wish to feel immediate effects. A synergistic effect is frequently observable in piracetam users who also take a choline or hydergine supplement.

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