Hear me out.

On one hand, I agree with some of what you are saying, and I get where you are coming from. I have had the same perspective as you in the past. But hey, opinions change, and I believe if you hang on to what I have to say I can express myself in such a way that you may indeed have a change of heart. Honestly, I'm not invested in swaying you in either direction but for me, this is a very personal topic. I can't tell you how much I have had to overcome to be where I am today and think the way I do. There was one thing I realized I was missing. The key to unlocking new realizations. I always respect others' opinions, but this holds too near and dear to me so please hear me out.

I've known for a long time that unpopular opinions are seldom heard and are even less agreeable. Part of the aversion surrounding the acceptance of this peculiar understanding, I believe, stems from this notion. I don't think that should prevent anyone from experiencing the truth that this too often hard-to-swallow pill will imbue. I must warn you, understand that I don't spend a lot of time on social media. Please don't expect any back-and-forth discourse following this articulate exposition. This information you are about to receive, imparted to me through ritualistic divination, should dissolve any potential for logical retort anyway. If you're going to respond in a messy emotionally driven way in opposition to what I have to entrust, just know that I've already been there, and it was likely harder for me than it was, or will be, for you. Something I have always had difficulty with is trying to accurately express myself when it comes to this. I don't consider myself verbose typically but it's impossible to exact concise inference lexically due to the ambiguity surrounding the plethoral complexity intrinsically linked here. One may perhaps even go as far as to express an impossibility towards committing any palpable certitude. I am, however, not of that mind and abstract thinking is heuristically justifiable by its very nature where relegation toward its own internal meta-paradigm is imbibic.

But I digress.

On the other hand, congregational behavior observed in mammalian test subjects tends to trend towards pronounced, idiosyncratic tendencies. The effectual result being illicit imbecility homogeneously beguiled into a sick, sordid compulsion. Undesirable traits that habitualize, well, savagery if I may posit, observed by empirical minds that deliberate most ardently, find that such functional dysfunction, exercised collectively, imbues compulsion and dissent, deviating individuals with an extreme loss of ethical direction leading in recessive perpetuity to perversion towards social inflection and expansion of purgative degradation. If you are still reading you likely don't have the creative more over the intellectual capacity to link detailed vitriol with a higher sensibility towards etheric connection with the corporeal reality. These are just some of the divisive thoughts that volley like an echo in my mind every time someone takes the time to actually comprehend this drivelous diatribe.

#copypasta · Pasta Recipes · #IYKYK

Believed to be in the public domain

Edited for content, context, spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation,
and to be read in the time allotted.

Posted this Prickle-Prickle, the 58th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3190

When is a cut and paste writeup not a cut and paste writeup?

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