- user since
- Wed Mar 15 2006 at 02:16:00 (19 years ago )
- last seen
- Sun Nov 11 2018 at 04:26:42 (6.4 years ago )
- level / experience
- 0 (Initiate) / 3
- C!s spent
- 2
- Send private message to leuryaks
User Bookmarks:
- 'pataphysics
- """""'""
- "Dangerous chemicals": Absurd liberal myth
- "Don't die to go to heaven, start in on Doctor Pepper and end up on whiskey!!" (idea)
- "Mr. Sandman, Bring Me a Dream"
- "Oh, bother," said the Borg. "We've assimilated Pooh."
- "The good old days" are a scam
- {hojita}
- 1 Cloud + 1 Cloud = 1 Cloud
- 11 Key Questions About the Universe
- 1138
- 13 O'Clock: The 2013 Halloween Horrorquest
- 2 AM Walmart run
- 2:00 AM philosophy
- 2000 Years of Radio
- 2008 US Presidential Election
- 24 hour laundromat
- 25 cent plastic toy vending machines
- 2am, city, winter
- 3 A.M. Eternal
- 3 am poem
- 3.1415
- 36C mind in a 32A body (idea)
- 43 Things
- 4am Philosophy
- 553-25-4394
- 5am in the middle of a wasted summer
- 5am in the middle of a wasted summer (dream)
- 634-5789
- 90% of people think they are of above average intelligence
- 95% of the money is made by 5% of the people
- A Blather of Paradoxes
- A broken tower: seven years of lonely luck
- A bummer of a job, after school
- A Catalog of Lonesome Highway Sounds
- a constant, low wind trembles through him, catching his words and sending them out into the world (person)
- A Conversation Regarding the Work of Michel Foucault
- A Convoluted History of Early Telecommunications
- A Critique of Feminist Standpoint Epistemology
- A critique of Jaegwon Kim's meditations on the mind/body problem
- A critique of scientific method
- A day in the life of Everything, Kansas
- A day like this could make a Transcendentalist out of anyone
- A dozen ways to disappear
- A Form Of No Substance
- A house of laughing for no reason
- A journey ended begins again
- A libertarian paradox
- A man toiled on a burning road
- A month from a skylark, a half from a finch, a little from a wagtail and not a day from a swallow
- A Nietzschean Critique of the Kantian Sublime
- A Noiseless Patient Spider
- A One Paragraph Story (idea)
- A People's History of the United States (thing)
- A Phenomenological Seduction (A Critique of Pure Booty)
- A Philosopher Asks a Zen Master
- A pig, in a cage, on antibiotics
- A poem I wrote when I was 5
- a poem out of the machine
- A point on an infinite plane of probability
- A Postcard from the Edge
- A pragmatic critique of identity theorizing
- A quiet evening's drive with a presumed drug dealer
- A Scorched Earth Policy We Can All Enjoy
- A series of hurtful parables
- A shifting from green
- a smiling girl with blonde eyelashes and a sundress. someday i'll find her
- A Sonnet To The Girl In My Math 113 Class
- A story about a person I do not know
- A stranger on the Platform
- A Thing with No Recognizable Purpose
- A thousand years from now, we should have coffee and tell stories while the world disintegrates
- A thousand years from now, we should have coffee and tell stories while the world disintegrates (poetry)
- A.E. van Vogt
- A.J. Ayer
- Abductees Anonymous
- abiogenesis
- Aboriginalia
- About some girl
- Abraham Lincoln
- Abraxas (idea)
- Absence of proof is not proof of absence
- Abstract Expressionism
- Abstraction and Cognitive Modalities
- absurdist (idea)
- Absurdity Abounds
- abuddha
- acathexis
- Active vs Passive Nihilism
- Adam Purcell
- Adrian Belew
- Advaita-Vedanta
- advanced mathematical theorems as a psychoactive substitute
- adventures in cross-country greyhounding
- Aesthetics
- Afraid that someone will notice you're a fake
- After a six-month diet of blues and greys I was back to white. I was an empty plate.
- After Great Pain a Formal Feeling Comes
- Ain Soph Aur
- Akasha
- Akashic Records
- Alan Sokal
- Albert Camus
- Albert Camus and the Minister
- Aldous Huxley
- Aleister Crowley
- Alexander feels a strange pulling sensation!
- Alfred Jarry
- Alfred North Whitehead
- Alice in Wonderland syndrome
- Alien abduction
- Alien Dreamtime
- Aliens
- Alixtii
- All art is quite useless
- All men are rapists
- All reality is subjective
- Alpha Complex's secret societies
- alt.life.sucks
- alt.suicide.holiday
- altered state of consciousness
- Alternate reality game
- alternate universe delusion
- Although we are perfect, we sometimes engineer mistakes to alleviate boredom
- Alvin Plantinga
- Alvord Desert shack
- Always check for evidence of alien abduction before going to bed with someone
- Am I hurting anyone if I'm rich?
- amateur radio
- Amazing what you can do with a paperclip and a snapped elastic band
- Amelia Rules! (thing)
- Amélie
- America's Stonehenge
- American Civil Liberties Union
- American Mythology
- American obsession with tax
- American society reflected in Zombie Films
- Americans on injustice: "Fuck it"
- Amiga diskmags (thing)
- Among the lost: Schrödinger's Assassin
- Among the virtues of mirrors is also that of revealing hidden and distant things
- Amplification Is The Curse Of Civilisation
- An admin password for the universe
- An Anatomy of Thought
- An Argument Against Pragmatic Critiquing
- An Epistle Containing the Strange Medical Experience of Karshish, the Arab Physician
- An idea for escape from a dying universe
- An instruction manual for the conceptually retarded
- An officer and a hobo
- An Old Man's Winter Night
- Anaïs Nin
- Analogical transfer
- Analogy as the Core of Cognition
- Analytic philosophy
- Analytic philosophy (thing)
- analytic/continental split
- analytic/synthetic distinction
- and all is quiet...
- And I asked myself about the present: how wide it was, how deep it was, how much was mine to keep?
- And then one day you wake up
- and when you woke up, your goldfish bowl was empty? (idea)
- Andy Richter Controls the Universe
- Anger, shaped like a man
- animals
- Annals of Improbable Research
- Anomalous Monism
- anonymity
- Anonymity as a tool for protecting Ego
- Anonymous
- Anonymous Men Think They Can Talk To Me
- Anonymous soul mate
- Answer: blue-eyed suicide
- Anthropic principle
- anthropology
- Antiques Roadshow
- Anxiety disorder
- Any sufficiently lucky series of coincidences are indistinguishable from miracles
- Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly
- apathy
- Apathy and Art
- apeirophobia
- Apollyon
- Aquatic Ape Theory (idea)
- Archetypes of Alien Species
- Are J.D. Salinger and Thomas Pynchon the same guy?
- Are personal messages protected by copyright? (person)
- Are Quanta Real?
- Are you depressed or just full of angst?
- Are you pondering what I'm pondering?
- Area 51
- Aristotle, Atomism, and the possibility of multiple worlds
- Aristotle's Lost Library, Medieval Andalusia & Chinese Paper, or How Europe Learned to Learn Again and Why the Renaissance Happened When & Where It Did
- Aristotle's Lost Library, Medieval Andalusia & Chinese Paper, or How Europe Learned to Learn Again and Why the Renaissance Happened When & Where It Did (idea)
- Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
- Aron Nimzowitsch
- Arriving as a state of being
- Arrow's Impossibility Theorem
- Art Bell: September 11, 1997
- Art is not reducible to text
- Artesia, New Mexico
- Arthur Koestler
- Arthur Schopenhauer
- artificial consciousness
- artificial emotions (essay)
- Ashley Pomeroy
- Ashtavakra Gita
- Aspects of American society that may be new to you
- At a pay phone outside a convenience store in East Fooville
- At night, all American cities look the same
- At night, she still believes in him
- Atheism
- Atheism is no more logical than believing in god
- Augustinian and Buddhist thinking
- Australian Aboriginal languages
- Automat
- automatic writing
- autumn
- avalyn
- Avian Ape Hypothesis (idea)
- Avoidant Personality Disorder
- Avoiding happiness for comfort
- axiom
- axiom of infinity
- axis mundi
- B movie
- B. Traven
- bad poetry
- Bad teenage poetry
- Bag of Crushed Child
- Barack Obama
- Barack Obama (person)
- BaronCarlos
- Basement Universe
- BDSM is the sign of a sick society
- bdubeck
- be a telemarketer
- Be different, just like everyone else
- beautiful blue light
- Beautiful things that have made you cry
- Before the Law
- behavior disorder
- Being really smart and taking lots and lots of drugs
- Being stoic, Daoist, and at one with the universe is NO FUN
- Being the outsider at a party
- Belief is a sign of mental illness
- Belief is nothing more than looking
- Belladonna
- Benedictus de Spinoza
- Berberian Sound Studio
- Bertolt Brecht
- Bertrand Russell
- Betty and Barney Hill
- Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction
- Beyond Belief: God or the Buddha - who is the Highest?
- Beyond the Calculus of hidden meanings and symbols
- Big Bang
- Bigfoot
- Bill Hicks
- Billy Mays
- binary oppositions
- bipolar disorder
- birdonmyshoulder*
- bizarre travels through the definitive hick-town + other
- bjpremore
- Blanchot, Derrida, Deleuze: Confronting the Disaster
- blowdart
- Blue Highways
- Bob and Ray
- Bobby Fischer
- Body Ritual Among the Nacirema
- Body without Organs
- Boethius's proof of the existence of God
- Bohemian Grove
- Bohemian Grove (place)
- Bohemian Grove (place)
- book
- Book of Revelation
- Books that will induce a mindfuck
- boredom
- Boredom Breeds Apathy
- Boredom is the root of all evil
- Boredom-inducing drugs
- Boy in my Philosophy class
- Boy in the library stairwell
- Brahma
- brahman
- Brahman and the fractal nature of the universe due to the chaotic nature of string theory
- Brain hemisphere influence on aesthetic preference
- brainwave entrainment
- brandold
- Brave New World
- Brazilian Jiu-jitsu
- Break me. I'm elated.
- Breakfast table in an otherwise empty room
- Breaking off bits of other people's lives
- Bronislaw Malinowski
- Buckminster Fuller
- Bunnyman Bridge
- burden of proof
- Burning of the Libraries of Alexandria
- Buy your bike at a bike shop
- C-SPAN Archives
- California Highway 18
- Camus' Caligula
- Can anyone bring me some Shazbot?!
- Can chemicals cause enlightenment?
- Can chemicals cause enlightenment? (idea)
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks?
- Can we ever truly act against our own interests?
- cancer kids hangin around out by the trains
- capitalism
- Capitalism is not freedom
- Capitalism urges you to define yourself through your purchases
- Capoeira
- Captain Beefheart
- Captain Kangaroo
- captcha
- Capturing the Friedmans
- Careers for a liberal arts major
- Cargo cult
- Cartoon Planet
- catbox poetry (poetry)
- Categorical Imperative
- category mistake
- causal loop
- Cerebral Disinformation
- Cerebral Disinformation (idea)
- Chance encounters with strangers
- Charles Baudelaire
- Charles Fort
- Charles Mingus Meets Bobby Fischer in the Locked Ward at Bellevue
- Charles Mingus Meets Bobby Fischer in the Locked Ward at Bellevue (person)
- Charles Sanders Peirce
- Charles Simic
- Charlie Chaplin
- Cherry Coke
- Cherubic Cube
- Chess Openings
- Chess versus Go
- Chessmen of Mars Chapter 7
- Chicken, Alaska
- Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came
- Chinoiserie (thing)
- Chomsky
- Choose Your Own Adventure
- Choosing a writing system for a language
- Chris Chubbuck
- Christian creation myth as symbolism for conscious awakening
- Christine Chubbock
- Christmas Humphreys
- Chronology of Communication after electronics to 1998
- Chronology of communication before electricity
- Chuck Palahniuk
- Church of the Subgenius
- Circular Chess
- civilwaractionfigure
- clairvoyance
- Clarice Lispector
- Clinical depression
- Close Encounters with LSD
- Close Encounters with LSD (idea)
- Closure of knowledge under known implication
- Coase Theorem
- cognitive behavioral therapy
- cognitive dissonance
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- cognitive science
- cognitive theory of emotions
- Coherentism
- Colin Mochrie
- Collective subjectivism
- collective unconscious
- Color does not exist
- Colorless green ideas sleep furiously
- Colours Are Not Enough
- Combing the Desert
- come to think of it, phone calls are excruciating too.
- Community college
- Comparative Overview of the Six Great World Religions
- Comparing your insides to other people's outsides
- Complaints of a Convenience Store Clerk
- Computer Engineering is not the same as Computer Science
- computers against spacetime
- Concrescence of linguistic intentionality put through a kind of hyperdimensional transform into three-dimensional space
- Conduction aphasia
- Confessions of a junk mail addict (idea)
- Conflict and personal mythology
- Consciousness
- Consciousness as a non-local phenomenon
- Consciousness is meta
- consensus reality
- conservatism (idea)
- conspiracy theory
- constructed realities
- consumerism
- Consumers: don't buy into the hype (idea)
- Continuity Identity Theory
- convenience store
- Conversation in a trucker bar in Evansville, Illinois (place)
- Converting Pi to binary: Don't do it!
- Converting Pi to binary: Don't do it! (idea)
- Correlation is not causation
- Cosmic Insignificance and You
- Cosmic Trigger
- Cosmological argument
- couch surfing
- Could you spare some change or maybe just a smile?
- Country kids driving their sins up haunted logging roads
- Country Real Estate
- Cracked Magazine (thing)
- create a monument to non-existence
- Create a universe
- Creating a password to convince yourself you have traveled back in time
- creepy waitresses
- Critique of Pure Reason
- Critique of Pure Riesling
- cross boundaries of category and meaning
- Cryptography
- Cryptozoology
- Cthulhu
- cultural anarchy
- cultural anthropology
- Cure depression with depression
- Cybernetic theory and homeostasis
- D.B. Cooper
- Daddy longlegs (thing)
- Dammit, I am so sick of reading about other noders enjoying human companionship
- Daniel Dennett
- Daniil Kharms (person)
- danlowlite
- dark energy (thing)
- Dark Shadows
- David Bohm
- David Byrne
- David Foster Wallace
- David Hockney
- David Hume
- David Lynch
- David Marr's computational model of vision
- Davidson on the Third Dogma of Empiricism
- Dead celebrities slouched in booths and the music of a busy kitchen's clinking plates (poetry)
- Death
- Death of the Unique Backpacker (idea)
- Death Valley (place)
- Debbie Does Dallas
- Deborah909
- Deconstructing a Concept of God
- Deconstructing that creepy McDonald's filet-of-fish commercial (review)
- deconstruction
- Decrying political correctness without an understanding of its causes and intended consequences is little more than racism muttered under one's breath
- Deep inside, you know that some things are boundless
- deep thought
- Defamiliarisation in White Noise
- Define "Real"
- Deleted scene from the movie "Short Circuit"
- Deliberately dropping pennies (idea)
- DeLorean
- Demagogues and Mystagogues (essay)
- depersonalization
- depressed
- Depressing but probably true rules of life
- depression
- Depression and the brain
- Depression and the brain (essay)
- Depression is a good thing
- depression is never "textbook"
- derealization
- derealization (event)
- Derrida and Hofstadter: Soul vs. Meaning (essay)
- Derrida paradox
- desert
- Desert Bus
- Desert Pete
- Desert Places
- Desert Solitaire: A Season in the Wilderness
- Destruction of Syntax - Imagination without Strings - Words-in-Freedom
- Destrudo
- Determinism
- Determinism and super-determinism
- Devendra Banhart (person)
- Devil's Island
- Devo
- dew
- Dibs in Search of Self
- Dictionary of recently extinct animals (idea)
- Différance
- Difference between science, engineering, and technology
- Different Relationships Between Atman and Brahman
- Dime store
- Dimension and Perception
- Diogenes
- Dionysian Mysteries
- Dionysius
- Disappearance of Kristin Smart
- Discordianism
- Discourse particles
- Discrimination by attractiveness
- Disintegration
- Disposable Appreciation
- Disquiet
- Dissociation
- Dissociative disorder
- Dissociative identity disorder
- distort reality
- Distorted Thinking
- DMT Dream Theory (idea)
- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
- Do chessmasters think more moves ahead?
- Do humans perceive reality indirectly?
- Do not bend, fold or mutilate
- Do Not Shoot: Non-Combatant
- Do not take advice from someone named after a reentry vehicle
- Do we have to learn to think scientifically in order to find the truth?
- Doctor Pangloss and his Unpublishable Thoughts
- Dogen
- Doggie Diner
- Dogs, do you want to live forever?
- Doing drugs for fun and profit
- Dollar Tree
- dolphinboy
- Domo-kun
- Don Delillo
- Don't be sad, I'll make you happy
- Don't call me "Caucasian." I am a Caucasian-American.
- Don't kill your invisible husband to see what he looks like or you'll sob your heart out. But don't worry about the millions of invisible men coming to attack your village because they won't kill you if you don't know how to fight them.
- Don't slip into depression
- Donald Barthelme
- Donald Davidson
- Donald's Ostrich (thing)
- Donnie Darko
- Doppelgänger
- Double consciousness
- Douglas Hofstadter
- Dover Demon
- Down a rabbit hole
- Dr. Frankenstein never had a lab assistant named Igor (idea)
- dream logic
- Dream pop
- Dream symbol: Desert
- Dreams of dying
- Dreams where your teeth fall out
- Dreamspace
- Dreamy things people have said to me
- Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
- Driving at night
- Drunken Riemann shoved Gauss over fish and chips and said, Motherfucker, you solve that theorem, and I'll cut you with this blade!
- Dualism
- Ducks Breath Mystery Theater
- Due South
- Duel (thing)
- Duel part 2
- Duke Nukem Forever
- Dumb telephone superstition
- Dumpster diving
- dustfromamoth
- Dysfunctional Family Circus
- E-Prime
- Early Greek philosophy and Logos
- Easter Island
- Eating something other than the Sun's energy for the first time
- Ed Gein
- Edmund Husserl
- Edsger W. Dijkstra
- Eduard Wiiralt
- Education is evil. Knowledge is evil. Be a moron. Forget how to spell.
- Edward Hopper
- ego
- ego death
- Ego Defense Mechanisms
- Ego the Deceiver
- Egolibrium :: O
- eidetic memory
- Either/Or (idea)
- El Chupacabra
- elmochick
- Emergency evacuation of soul and bicycle from suburbia
- Emerson, Thoreau, and Dickinson compared
- Emil Cioran
- Emily. Emily. Emily. Delete. (person)
- Emmanuel Levinas
- Emotion and regional brain activity
- empathogen
- Emperor Norton I
- Empty
- Encyclopedia Brown taught me everything I need to know about opening doors (thing)
- Encyclopedia on a toothpick
- Encyclopedia salesperson
- Encyclopedia salesperson (thing)
- Endogenous depression
- English is the hot dog of languages
- Enlightenment
- Enlightenment through Postmodernism
- Ennui
- entheogen
- entropy
- Entropy of Happiness
- Epictetus
- Epicurus
- epiphenomenalism
- epistemology
- eponymous
- eric+
- Erikson's eight stages of psychosocial development
- Esperanto
- Esse est percipi
- Etch-a-Sketch memory
- Eudaimonia
- Eulogy for The Great Man
- Europe until the Modern Era (idea)
- Even trees die
- Every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief
- Every new technology has been endowed with the potential to transform society
- Every Sperm Is Sacred (idea)
- Every time I see a dead fish that isn't, I think of you. Happiness keeps washing over me like a wave. What do I do with it all?
- Every Tuesday, I dress as a 46-year old woman and waitress at a diner on route 27. This is the meaning of life.
- everybody lives in someone else's personal hell
- Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)
- Everyone has a 'true ghost story' story
- everything and nothing
- Everything as a Knowledge Base
- Everything existed as though painted in a dream (idea)
- Everything is sacred
- Everything is true and nothing matters (thing)
- Everything looks beautiful when you're young and pretty
- Everything Theory
- Everything women respond to Webster 1913
- Everything you own is in some sense bovine
- Everything Zen
- Everything, Kansas: A Manifesto
- Everything2 is not Wikipedia (essay)
- Evolution is iterative feedback against the Second Law of Thermodynamics, motherfucker
- Evolution violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics
- Evolutionary Psychology
- existence
- existential vacuum
- Existentialism
- Existentialism is that girlfriend who cheated on you. Postmodernism is who she was with.
- Existentialists make bad boyfriends
- Exploding Cinema Collective
- exploring the abandoned college
- exploring urban transmission/reception sound patterns and codes
- Exquisite Corpse
- Extensional Mereology (idea)
- Extensive tunnels and underground bunkers
- Extra Terrestrial Goat Creatures from the Fuck Galaxy
- Extra_Onions
- Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof
- F.W.J. Schelling: Toward an aesthetic understanding of the world
- Faceless power structure
- Falling in the sense of letting go
- False mathematical proofs
- False memory syndrome
- False Memory Syndrome Foundation
- Famous Monsters of Filmland
- Fate
- Faustian bargain
- Favorite Everything quotes
- Fear and Trembling
- Fear is stronger than pain
- Fear of failure
- Fedor
- Felix The Cat
- Feminism
- Feminist Horror Film Theory
- Feminist standpoint epistemology
- Feminist theology and metaphysical antirealism
- Fencing: A look at a decidedly non-mainstream sport in America (idea)
- Ferdinand de Saussure
- Fermat's Last Theorem
- Fernando Pessoa
- Fifteen words about love (recipe)
- Fifth dimension
- Fight Club interpretations
- Fill my void
- Findings:
- Finnish proverbs
- Fire in the Sky
- Fischer random chess
- Fist of Shiva
- Flatland
- Flatland: Table of Contents (idea)
- Flatwoods Monster
- Fleeting contact with random strangers
- Flotsam and Jetsam
- flyingfish
- Fnord
- Follow your bliss
- For anybody who thinks they need to see a psychiatrist
- for Foucault, Derrida, for Derrida, Foucault
- For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn.
- Forgotten things in space
- Found art
- FOUND Magazine
- Found Poem
- Found Poem: From a Study on Reading Habits, Grade 1 Responses
- found poetry
- foundationalism
- foundations of mathematics
- Four color theorem
- Fourth dimension
- fractal time
- Fraggle Rock
- Frank Lloyd Wright
- Frank's Pit of Eternal Darkness
- Freaks and Geeks
- Fred Rogers
- free association
- freedom of information vs privacy
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- From consumer to consumed
- Front porch, what should have been said
- Fuck as a mid-word addition
- Fuck blame
- Fuck Snuggles
- Fucked up Facts from History
- fuzzy logic
- G.E. Moore
- Gabriel García Márquez
- Gamaliel
- Game theory
- Garry Kasparov
- Gaudapada
- gavagai
- Gay Niggers from Outer Space
- gemuetlich
- General Relativity
- Genidentity
- Geniuses for manual labor
- GeoCities
- Geometric sequence formulas
- Georg Hegel
- George Berkeley
- George Gurdjieff
- George Mead
- Georgia Guidestones
- Gestalt thinker
- Gestalt thinker (idea)
- GhettoAardvark
- Ghost Road Scugog Island
- Ghost stations
- Ghost to Ghost AM
- Ghostwriter
- Ghoulardi
- Giant killer robots engage in radar sex!
- Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
- Gilles Deleuze: deconstructing Platonism
- Giordano Bruno
- Girls Kick Ass: A Feminist Critique of the New Action Heroine and the Male Gaze
- Girls look prettier in snowstorms
- Glowing Fish
- go ahead I'll listen
- God am I?
- God has sent you this experience in order to deepen you
- God is a teen-age hacker
- God is not a pattern
- God module
- God must be deaf (idea)
- Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
- Gödel's Second Incompleteness Theorem explained in words of one syllable
- Godot
- Gods in The Iliad
- Godspeed You! Black Emperor
- Good Humor Man
- Gossamer
- Gottfried Leibniz
- Gottlob Frege
- Grab on. You can always change your mind.
- graveyard shift
- Great big globs of greasy grimy gopher guts
- Great Moon Hoax Of 1835
- Greek studs: a Foucauldian sideways glance at Aristotle's package
- Greenbrier Ghost (thing)
- Gregory Bateson
- Greyhound bus
- Greys
- Gritchka
- Grook
- Groucho glasses
- group theory (idea)
- Guerilla Aphorisms From Schiphol Airport
- Guerilla ontology
- Guide to determining if you are constantly being mauled by bears
- Guido Ubaldus' proof of the existence of God
- guru meditation
- Guy Debord
- H.P. Lovecraft
- Habermas and Rorty: Private Identity and Public Discourse (Part 2)
- Hacking humans
- Hakim Bey
- Hakuin Ekaku
- halfway homes, catacombs, twilight zones (fiction)
- Halloween
- ham radio
- Hamburglar
- Hand-delivered telegram
- Hanna-Barbera
- Hannah Arendt
- Hannah Arendt (person)
- Happiness is a temporary chemical imbalance
- Happinesslessness
- Happinesslessness II
- happy smiling enlightened recluse
- hard determinism
- hard interview questions
- Have you felt so proud to get at the meaning of poems?
- Having the courage to be an absolute nobody
- He believes he has written a poem, yes.
- He dreamt the sky bled greyblue and poetry
- He weaves his words
- He's dead, Jim. You grab his wallet, I'll grab his tricorder.
- Heart Sutra
- Heart Sutra as narrative and anti-narrative
- Heavy weather in the city of dreams
- Heffalumps and woozles
- Hegel on Subject/Object unity
- Hegel's Motivations
- Hegel's Theory of Dialectic
- Hélène Cixous
- Helping a loved one with depression
- Helping someone who practices self-mutilation
- Helping someone who practices self-mutilation (idea)
- Henri Michaux
- Heraclitus
- Heraclitus and language
- Heraclitus' River
- Herbert Marcuse
- Here are some true pieces for you, anonymous, handsome.
- Here is Today! Here is Morning! Hello Hello Hello Here I Am! (person)
- Hermann Hesse
- Hermann Minkowski
- Hermeneutics
- Hermetic
- Hermeticism and Confucianism as the sources of blitzkrieg and guerilla warfare
- heuristic
- Hey Man, Nice Shot
- Hi, I couldn't help noticing that your life sucks
- Hidden messages on vinyl records
- Hideous Jabbering Head of Abraham Lincoln
- Hideous Jabbering Head of Abraham Lincoln (person)
- High strangeness
- High Weirdness
- Hindu Story of Creation
- Hipsters will inherit the earth
- his whole life, like a thundercloud, out in front of him
- historical materialism
- History of Political Philosophy (idea)
- Histrionic Personality Disorder
- Hobbes and Locke, with two differing views on Life, the Universe, and Everything
- hobo
- Holden Caulfield
- Holism
- Holland's Vocational Personality Types
- Homosexuality in Kafka's Metamorphosis
- Hopi prophecies
- Hopi prophecies (idea)
- Hot Dog Men
- Hotel Infinity
- House of Leaves
- How a suicide made me wish I were Superman
- How do I submit a writeup of my own?
- How do men touch you?
- How do you know the fishes are enjoying themselves?
- How Gauss quickly added up the numbers 1 to 100
- How Hume would respond to Descartes
- How I allowed craven cowardice to ruin my life
- How I then tried to diffuse the Theory of Three Dimensions by other means, and of the result
- How I tried to teach the Theory of Three Dimensions to my Grandson, and with what success
- How Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man have sex
- How physics defines consciousness
- How soft your fields so green can whisper tales of gore
- How the butter-fingered librarian came to rule the Universe
- How the Joker Obama poster misfires (essay)
- How the Sphere encouraged me in a Vision
- how to alter your state of consciousness without drugs (how-to)
- How to answer a telephone
- How to avoid holodeck addiction
- How to avoid people whom you don't like talking to
- How to build a computer out of black holes (idea)
- How To Catch a Lion in the Sahara Desert
- How To Deconstruct Almost Anything: A Postmodern Adventure
- How to disappear completely and never be found
- How to escape a sinking car
- How to fake your own death
- How to Fight Loneliness
- How to improve your orgasms
- How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive
- How to kick ass at a job interview
- How to love someone who is mentally ill
- How to love someone who is mentally ill (idea)
- How to meet the most girls (idea)
- How to reach Enlightenment while checking groceries
- How to talk like Jacques Derrida
- How to tell a girl just wants to be friends
- How to transmit information faster than light speed
- How to watch the stars from a secluded island
- How to write an episode of The Twilight Zone
- How we know what we know (idea)
- How your brain codes knowledge
- How your brain codes knowledge (thing)
- How your brain interprets light
- Hugo's House of Horrors
- Huineng
- Human being emulator
- Human Consciousness could be Immortal
- Human existence of the homeless
- Humans have six senses, why does everyone think we only have five?
- Hume's Fork
- Hume's Problem of Induction
- Humorous Writings of E2
- hypercube
- Hypermodern Chess
- hyperspatial machine elves
- I Am
- I am a little concerned about my state of mind
- I am a robot. (person)
- I am afraid of permanence
- I am going to die
- I am worn out with the beauty of the most trivial things
- I bind these books, but I can't write in them; I just can't (thing)
- I Blow Minds For A Living
- I can divide by zero
- I can't decide if what you're saying is too profound for me to comprehend or just insane
- I could not hear the echo of my steps as I descended nor the sounds of animals, for they were hiding
- I do not fit inside my body (poetry)
- I don't believe in anything
- I don't even have the energy to kill myself
- I don't have a postmodern condition; I've always been like this
- I don't lose the irony that I believe my reflection to be a stranger (idea)
- I don't play my violin in the desert anymore
- I Eat Books from Cover to Cover
- I fear I will be nothing
- I feel things, hundredsfold, a papercut requires stitches
- I Found the Room That I Will Haunt
- I glimpse the elephant
- I guess you really can't know anybody after all
- I had forgotten the bear's name, and could not find my way home to the Thousand Acre wood
- I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library
- I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
- I like silent moments
- I like train stations and supermarkets
- I never seek shelter, just wait for the storm
- I once clutched death in my hands
- I put away childish things, like myself
- I remember the old tree laughing, as I leapt into the sky
- I sing the node electric
- I sometimes think I am too much
- I stared into the muddled sky with tears running down my face in small rivers, and I knew then that there was no hope
- I think, therefore I am that I am
- I thought I'd take a walk today. It's a mistake I sometimes make.
- I used to love women from afar. Of course, now they call it stalking.
- I want to be abducted by aliens
- I want to rip off your logic and make passionate sense to you (idea)
- I wanted to touch him so badly that it made my fingertips burn
- I was Dan for fifteen minutes and I never want to be Dan again
- I was once smaller than a jellybean, but now look at me - I am macroscopic!
- I was supposed to be somebody by the age of 23
- I will not spend my life like this
- I will permit my memory to recall
- I would like to step out of my heart and go walking beneath the enormous sky
- I write messages on money
- I'll be a post-feminist in the post-patriarchy
- I'm Alone
- I'm the most off-beat genius you ever knew; I'm so iconoclastic I'm clastic
- I'm trippin' my nut sack into a frenzy of dik play
- I've got to get away from all this escapism
- Identity
- identity paradoxes
- Identity theory
- identity versus behavior
- idios kosmos
- If a black hole were created on Earth
- If an Agent Knocks - Federal Investigators and Your Rights
- If cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl
- If Dr. Seuss wrote for Star Trek (idea)
- If I had called you, would you still be dead?
- If I were watched alone, I'd be considered insane
- If infinite alternate Universes exist, then where are all the visitors?
- If on a winter's night a traveler
- If the path be beautiful, let us not ask where it leads
- If we could build things out of concepts, I'd have pants made of lust (idea)
- if you fear spells, look away when she decides to share her hair with the wind.
- If you meet a strange, confident woman, she may well be a witch (idea)
- If you think hugs are better than drugs, you haven't tried LSD
- If you want lonely I will give you white water flapping against a little boat
- If you would like to hear a duck quack, press 7
- If you're feeling disillusioned, find a 9-year-old
- If you're going to speak archaic English, use it correctly!
- Illness limits but doesn't define (essay)
- Illuminati
- Immanuel Kant
- In a quiet grove of pines under a frosty sky, he helped her out of the sack. She wore severe white hospital pajamas and was beautiful.
- In his autumn before the winter comes man's last mad surge of youth
- In his voice I heard decay
- In Search of
- In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
- In the field of the ice girl
- In the field of the ice girl (idea)
- In the frozen post-apocalyptic wasteland, the robot awaits
- In this moment I feel alive
- In timeless valleys full of stars
- In timeless valleys full of stars (idea)
- independent film
- independent film channel
- Indiana once tried to change the value of pi
- Infinite Jest
- infinite layers
- infinite loop
- Infinite monkeys theorem
- Infinite regress
- infinity and human intuition
- Information doesn't want to be anything
- Information is fractal
- information superhighway
- information technology professionals in the nonprofit sector
- information theory
- Inherent impossibility in science fiction time travel
- intelligence
- Intelligence vs. complexity
- Intelligence, knowledge, and understanding
- Intensely hilarious chess adventures
- Interesting rusty junk
- Interpretations of the lyrics to American Pie
- interrobang
- Into the Wild
- introspection
- Introspection is probably not as valuable as you think
- introspective tornadoes of melancholy
- Invasion of the Non Detail-Oriented Body Snatchers
- Iowa
- Is it social anxiety or just laziness?
- Is language innate or learned?
- Is Rene Russo too old to play the babe?
- Isaac Newton
- isolation tank
- It feels like my life is out of sync
- It was hormones, it was hormones, but it was valid
- It was not a weather balloon at Roswell
- It's all a blank, which makes me think something far far worse has actually happened
- It's just a folded piece of paper till you let it fly
- It's Lonely Being Only
- It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
- It's the Season for Graves Cracking: The 2006 Quest for Fear
- It’s memories that I’m stealing, but you’re innocent when you dream (fiction)
- Italo Calvino
- Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka-Dot Bikini
- J. R. "Bob" Dobbs
- J.G. Ballard (person)
- J.L. Austin
- Jackson Pollock
- Jacques Derrida
- Jacques Derrida on the philosophy of language
- Jacques Lacan
- Jamming a pair of scissors into your crotch repeatedly
- Jan Svankmajer
- Jandek
- Japanese words to describe tastes
- Jason Schwartzman
- je ne sais quoi
- Jean-Paul Sartre
- jens
- Jersey Devil
- Jesus was a feminist
- jethro bodine
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
- Jimmy Chamberlin
- Jive Mop (idea)
- Joan of Arcadia
- Johann Fichte
- Johannes Trithemius
- John Addington Symonds
- John Barth
- John Clare
- John Lilly
- John Maynard Keynes
- John Muir (person)
- John Steinbeck
- johnniegbsn
- Jorge Luis Borges
- Joseph Campbell
- Julia Kristeva
- juliet
- July 18, 2007 (dream)
- June 6, 1994
- Jung's concept of the self
- Jung's Psychological Types
- Jungian functions
- Just being quiet and close
- Just enough to catch a whiff of dying roses
- Just So Stories
- just to have some human contact
- Kafka Interpretations
- Kafka's "The Judgment" as read by Deleuze and Guattari
- Kafka's "The Problem of Our Laws" and the origin of meaning
- Kafka's written kisses
- kalen
- Kant on Causality and Time
- Kant, Heidegger, and ontology of experience: Part 1
- Kardaschev types
- Karl Marx
- Karl Marx's Anti-Semitism
- Karla
- Karla Homolka (idea)
- Kasparov versus the World
- kaytay
- Kenneth Arnold
- Kensington Runestone
- Kentucky fried psycho
- kessenich
- keviinn
- Kibology
- Kill time before it kills you
- Kill Yourself
- Killdozer
- Killing one's family and then killing oneself
- kindergarten
- Kinko's night shift
- Kit Lo
- kitsch
- Klaatu barada nikto!
- Klein bottle
- Knowledge can never be certain
- Knowledge can never be certain (idea)
- Knut Hamsun
- Koan
- Kobo Abe
- koinos kosmos
- Kojeve on Hegel
- Kolchak: The Night Stalker
- Kolmogorov complexity
- Kubla Khan
- Kurt Gödel
- Kurt Vonnegut
- Kurt Vonnegut on Free Will
- L. Ron Hubbard
- Laika
- language games
- language is a virus
- Language, Truth and Logic
- Lao Tzu
- Laplace's Demon
- Late night at the supermarket
- Latent Semantic Indexing
- laundromat
- Law of averages
- Le Comte de Lautréamont
- Leather Man
- leaves spiralled around us like a benediction
- Leibniz a raven, quoth discovers the calculus that is not flowery
- Leo Strauss
- Leonard Nimoy demonstrates the Magnavision videodisc player
- Lesbians! Monkeys! Soy! Google!
- lessindustries
- Lessons of the Bear: Totemic Techniques for Effective Inter-Office Communication
- Lessons on life, love and things of utter importance
- Letter addressed to nobody that means nothing
- Letter to my sperm donor
- leuryaks
- Levels of consciousness
- Life as a Nighthawk
- Life is suffering
- Life must be lived forward, but it can only be appreciated sideways
- Life must be lived forward, but it can only be appreciated sideways (personal)
- Life, with rewrites, recovering the present tense
- Lifespan of a beheaded head
- lightly falling flakes
- Lila, an Inquiry into Morals
- Lincoln tells of a mysterious disappearance, June 19, 1841
- Lincoln's first glimpse of the slave trade, September 27, 1841
- Linus Torvalds
- List of recorded anomalies in T-9000 operation (partial)
- listener-supported radio
- little green men
- Little man in the weeds
- little pieces of her tragically poetic attempts at being loved that she was startlingly aware of, today (idea)
- Little Shop of Horrors
- Lizard Man
- Lizard Man (person)
- locked-in syndrome (thing)
- logic
- Logical fallacy
- logicism
- logos
- Logotherapy
- Loneliness is but a myth dispelled by you
- Loneliness is next to godliness
- lonerlust
- Long Man of Wilmington
- Look, look! I can write inane bullshit too!
- Loop quantum gravity
- loquacious
- Loser
- Losing my breath to you, under an oak tree
- lostcauser
- lot lizard
- loughes
- Love is simple fiction
- love like an antique roadshow
- Love poem from the monsters under my bed
- Low self-esteem is actually one of the most self-centered acts; not unlike suicide
- Lucid dream
- Lucky Strike
- Luddite
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
- Ludwig Wittgenstein and the Problem of Other Minds
- Lybio
- m_turner
- M-x psychoanalyze-pinhead
- Mad Gasser of Mattoon, Illinois
- magic square
- Magician who stopped a Rebellion
- Mailorder Mysticism
- Maitreya
- Majestic 12
- Making Rage Against The Machine guitar noises with your mouth is the best form of political protest (idea)
- Maldoror
- Man is but the imprint of his native landscape
- Man reading a book (fiction)
- Man trying on shoes (fiction)
- Man, Hat, and Island
- Mandelstahm on Heraclitus : Speech
- Mandelstahm's Lost Treatise on Chess
- Mandelstahm's proof of the existence of God
- Maniac Mansion
- Manos: the Hands of Fate
- Manos: the Hands of Fate (thing)
- Manufacturing Consent
- many-worlds hypothesis
- Marcel Pagnol's argument on the (non-)existence of God
- Marcel Proust
- Marge
- Mark of the beast
- Mars Attacks!
- Martin Heidegger
- Martin Heidegger on Building, Dwelling, Thinking.
- Martin Heidegger on death
- Marvin the Martian
- Matchstick pattern analogy to thought
- Math is a social construct
- Math is not a social construct
- Math is not a social construct: Our understanding of math is a social construct
- math rock
- Mathematics education by explanation with logical proof
- Mathematics is not Truth
- Mathematics is the language of nature
- mathematics is the only science
- Mathematics is the surest way to immortality
- Maurice Sendak
- Max Frisch
- Max Headroom
- Max Weber
- Maximillian
- Maxwell's demon
- May you live in interesting times
- Maya
- me and mr. wallace
- Meaning of life
- Meaningful useless crap
- Meanwhile, the PILOT, who has been laughing hysterically through the entire sequence, finally loses it. He falls out of his chair and bangs his head against the panel, causing the ship to lose control and crash into a nearby planet
- meatspace
- MegPeterson
- Mel's Hole
- Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
- Melted in blue rivulets, my colors washing away.
- Meme
- memex
- Memories are meant to fade : They're designed that way for a reason
- Memory: Part I (idea)
- Memory: Part II (idea)
- Men did not always like large breasts
- Men in Black (person)
- Men's Rights Movement
- Mending Wall
- Mereology
- Merkaba (thing)
- Mersault
- metabelief
- metacognition
- Metacognition and the problem of self-reference: A Kantian view
- metacognitive knowledge
- metamathematics
- Metamemory
- metanarrative
- Metaphor for the lives we're living
- Metaphor is not disposable
- Metaphors are fossils
- Metaphysics (idea)
- metaphysics and metaphysical
- Metaphysics: The Umpire Analogy
- Methods of mathematical proof
- Michael Bakunin
- Michael Spivak
- Michel Foucault
- Michel Foucault, feminism, and identity
- Michigan Dogman
- Middle school and High school social oppression
- Midnight Movies
- Midnight Stranger
- Milan Kundera
- Milgram Experiment
- mime
- Mimicry
- Mind and Truth
- mindfuck
- mindfuck cycle
- Minkowski Space
- Mistakes are for losers, write in pen
- Mistie Murray
- misunderstood to the point of misunderstanding yourself
- Mithraism
- MMFG: Massively Multiplayer Freeform Game
- Mobius stripper (person)
- Modal Logic
- Modern physics abuse syndrome
- Modern science and Romantic discontent
- Modern Sutra
- modernism
- Moe Berg
- Mojave Desert
- Mojave Desert Phone Booth
- Mojave Desert Phone Booth (thing)
- Moksha
- mondo
- Monotonously incessant self debasement is spiritually malignant
- Monster of a Meaner Disposition
- Monsterpiece Theater
- Montaigne and Lyme - Near Death Experience #689
- Monty Hall Problem
- Moral Agency in a Propaganda System
- moral relativism
- Morality & Religion: Hume versus Kant - Deathmatch
- Morality of suicide
- Morton Salt Girl (person)
- Most men lead lives of quiet desperation
- Mother goddess
- Mothman
- Mr. Clean vs. Mattress Giant
- Muffler Men
- Mulholland Drive
- Multiracial street gangs in 1980s comics (person)
- multiverse
- Mundanity
- munificent
- Murakami Haruki
- Murder in the Red Barn
- Music of the Spheres
- Musing on the nature of reality is fun
- Muzak
- My Angst Ate my Suffering in a Void of Meaningless Existential Nihilistic Self-Oppression: An Poem
- My backyard considers me
- My Bloody Valentine
- My Dad in the Desert (person)
- My god, it's full of nodegel!
- My regret sits on the floor like someone else's polaroid photos
- My rubber ducky is stalking me
- My skull is but a padded cell, the walls of which my inner demons bounce off
- mystery religion
- mysticism
- Mythos
- Nagarjuna
- Nasrudin Stories
- Nathan, This Is Unacceptable
- National Enquirer
- Nature's Harmonic Simultaneous 4-day Time Cube
- Nazca drawings
- Neal Stephenson
- Near death experience
- negative space
- negative theology
- Neiboku's Secret Library
- Neil Hamburger
- nervous breakdown
- neural network
- neurodiversity
- neurolinguistic hacker
- neurolinguistic programming
- neurolinguistic programming (idea)
- Neuroscience and God
- New Age
- New research reveals amazing coincidences!
- Newbie's Guide to Really Bad Chess (idea)
- Newcomb's Paradox
- Newton's Rape Manual and other surprises
- Nicholas of Cusa
- Nicholson Baker
- Night of the Living Dead
- Night stalker
- Night-nature
- Night-worshipper (person)
- Nighthawks
- Nighthawks at the Diner
- nihilism
- Nihilism is a poison
- nihilistic delusions
- nihilistic ethical egoism
- Nina Hartley
- Nine Inch Nails
- No damn you, it's nothing like a chess game
- No Exit
- no good without evil, no evil without good
- No one can be in two places at once (idea)
- No one can be totally logical
- No One Knows Who I Am
- no sense of direction yet still going somewhere
- No Springs
- No, don't set it down there; that's the Void. Just leave it on the coffee table.
- Noam Chomsky
- Noam Chomsky On Capitalism
- Noam Chomsky on Private Tyrannies -- Corporations
- Nobody is perfect forever, you lasted a long time.
- Nobody sends snail mail anymore (idea)
- Nobody sings about modern cars
- Non sequitur
- NON-VIOLENCE! NON-VIOLENCE! NON-VIOLENCE! Non-violence makes you strong! Strength crushes enemies! NON-VIOLENCE!
- nonsense and philosophy
- nontheist
- North Dakota in November is not a happy place
- Nostalgic for a time that I never experienced and for a person I never was
- not all people pay taxes (idea)
- Note pinned to a tree in Sherwood Forest
- Notes from the Underground
- Notes on ruining the beauty of barren places by being there
- Notes on the history of logic
- Nothing
- Nothing but a Wednesday night
- Nothing is as important as it first seems
- Nothing new about Ancient Greece will be learned until the Vatican is plundered
- nothingness
- Nottingham's caves
- nowan
- NP-complete
- NSA: What's a language? (thing)
- Nuka-Cola
- Numbers Station
- Oak Island Water Pit
- Oak Island Water Pit (place)
- Obelisk
- Obelisk (thing)
- Objectivism is stupid
- oblique strategies garden
- Odeon
- Oh, Inverted World
- OK Computer
- OK Soda
- OK, so I'm a fuckup, and it's Tuesday (place)
- Olaf Stapledon (person)
- old chestnut: truel
- Old Growth Forests, 13th Century Temples, and Rites of Spring
- Old Grundy's Book of Practical Names
- Old Time Radio
- old time radio shows
- OldMiner
- Oligarchical Collectivism
- Oligopoly
- Olivia Tremor Control
- Omniscience and free will are contradictory
- On Concept and Object
- On she went. The woods were deep and still.
- on the black current of a tarmac road
- On the lost highway
- On the Perception of Incongruity
- On the Road
- On the Sublime
- On the Suffering of the World
- On The Use Of Language
- One afternoon at the laundromat
- One big happy random assortment of truckstop trinkets
- One day, I'm going to get rid of it all
- One Dimensional Man
- One equals point nine repeating
- One-Finger Zen
- One-party system posing as a two-party system
- Only a simple computer program
- ontological argument
- ontological conservative
- ontotechnology
- Orgasm as a pain killer
- original existence
- orphan negative (thing)
- Osho
- Oswald Spengler
- Otto Eisenschiml
- Otto Weininger
- oulipo
- Our lies reveal as much about us as our truths
- Ouroboros
- Out of body experience
- Out of sight, still in mind, completely permanent
- OuT2FaR
- Outer Space Treaty
- outsider art
- Owning stock in corporations is slavery.
- Pain and Pleasure as Motivators for Natural and Artificial organisms
- Pain is not negated by the presence of a greater pain somewhere else in the universe
- Pale sickly white girl, why you no love me?
- Pandeism (idea)
- Pangram
- Panic and Anxiety Disorders
- Panopticism
- Panopticon
- panpsychism
- Paradox
- Paradox of Higher Knowledge
- parapsychology
- Paris, Texas (thing)
- parlor game
- Participate in your own manipulation.
- Particle Man
- Parvati
- pataphysics
- Patriarchy
- Patrick Moore
- Pattern Identity Theory
- Pattern recognition
- patterns begin to reveal themselves
- Paul Bernardo and Karla Holmolka
- Paul Bernardo and Karla Holmolka (essay)
- Paul Bernardo and Karla Holmolka (person)
- Pax Americana
- Pay five dollars -- see the alien
- pay phone
- Peak Experience
- Peanuts
- Pearl Curran
- Pedagogy versus Praxis
- People are disposable cameras meant to capture experiences
- People are impossible. I should know; I'm one of them.
- Peppermint
- perception is reality
- Perception of color
- Perception shapes reality
- Pere Ubu
- Perhaps God is our future, not our past
- Peripatetic
- Personal Construct Theory
- Personal fabrication, institutional obliteration
- Personal mythology
- Personality disorders
- Personality psychology: Cognitive information-processing psychology
- Personality theory
- pessoa
- phenomenology
- phi phenomenon (thing)
- Philip K. Dick
- Philip K. Dick's understanding of schizophrenia
- philosophers
- Philosophers of science
- Philosophical implications of Spontaneous Localization theory
- Philosophical Interpretations of Quantum Chaos
- Philosophical theories of truth
- Philosophy
- Philosophy of Science and Certainty
- Phineas Gage
- phone booth
- photographic memory
- physics
- Physics, Determinism, and Free Will
- Physics, Mathematics and the Feminist Critique of the Sciences
- Pick up the Phone Booth and Die (thing)
- Picking your psyche off the floor
- Pickman's Nodegel: The 2009 Halloween Horrorquest (event)
- Pierre Laplace
- Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
- Piet Hein
- Pineal gland
- pingouin
- pinhole camera
- Pink Floyd Synchronization phenomena
- Pink Moon
- Piotr Ouspensky
- pirate radio station
- Piter
- pizza delivery driver
- Plan 9 from Outer Space
- Plane of immanence
- planned obsolescence
- Platonic metaphysics and the poetry of Emily Dickinson
- plebius
- Plinko
- Poem for a Northside girl
- Poem I found on the bus
- Poetically Man Dwells
- Poetry written by teenagers
- Poking Things With A Stick
- Polaroid
- Politeness is always in order
- Polythalamous
- Pompatus of love
- Pony Express
- Pope Lick goat man
- Positivism
- Possible Worlds
- Post-Modern Existentialist Dialectics and Jerry Springer
- post-rock
- postcard
- postcard fiction
- posthumanity
- postmodern irony
- Postmodern Pooh
- postmodernism
- postrock
- Poststructuralism
- potentially interesting people
- Pragmatism
- Predestination doesn't imply the lack of free will
- Prepare me a ship of which the half-rotten timbers shall be painted black, let the sails be in rags, and the sailors infirm and sickly
- Presocratic Greek Philosophers
- principle of non-contradiction
- Private Language argument
- Probably the saddest thing ever
- Problems with E2 user poetry
- Problems with John Rawls' Veil of Ignorance
- Project Monarch
- Proof that 30 = 29
- Proprioception
- Psalms of the Convenience Store Clerk: Hymn of the Snack Aisle
- Pseudo_Intellectual
- pseudoscience
- psilocybin
- Psychedelic Guide: DMT
- psychoanalysis
- Psychological Theories of Creativity
- psychologist vs. psychiatrist
- Psychology is circular
- Public Broadcasting Service
- Pun
- pure mathematics
- Putting groceries in a paper bag
- Pyrrhonism
- quale
- quantonics
- Quantum mechanics
- Quantum Mechanics makes you immortal
- quantum non-locality
- Questions for those who don't like capitalism
- Quotes from sleeping people
- radical feminism
- rain on a stained glass memory
- Rainer Maria Rilke
- Rainfire
- Rampant mass consumerism is so evil. Hey, can I have a sip of that Frappucino?
- Random strangers you remember
- Rational-Emotive Therapy
- Rationalism vs Empiricism
- Ray Kurzweil
- Raymond Chandler
- Raymond Smullyan
- real death stories (idea)
- reality
- Reality bubble
- reality deconstruction
- reality hacker
- Reality Is What You Can Get Away With
- Reality Modification Devices
- Reality Perception Sphere
- Reality Technician
- Reality testing
- reality tunnel
- Reality, memory, and time: A character based study of "Waiting for Godot"
- Realize your connection with the Infinite
- Realm of Forms
- Rebel by buying mass-market consumer products
- recluse
- Reconciling Logical Paradoxes
- recursive
- Red Dawn
- Red Dwarf
- reductio ad absurdum
- reductionism
- reductive physicalism
- Reflections on contemporary times
- Reflections on the essence of railroad tracks
- Reflections on the essence of railroad tracks (idea)
- Reflective Judgement and the Purposiveness of Nature
- Reid-ing Hume, or Ex-hume-ing Reid
- Reification
- Relatively Unknown Famous Greek Philosophers
- Religion in the Skippy aisle
- Remain in Light
- Rene Magritte
- Report on the Borges Novel and its Aftermath
- Rest stop
- Revel in your nature as a chemical reaction
- Revision of Kant, Fichte, Schlegel, Hegel, Heidegger,
- Richard Nixon's Social Security Number
- Richard P. Feynman
- Richard Rorty
- Rickrolling (thing)
- Riders on the Storm
- Right Where You Are Sitting Now
- Rispin Mansion
- Road train
- roadside distraction
- Robert Anton Wilson
- Robert Lionel Fanthorpe
- Robert Pirsig
- room with a candle
- Root Beer
- roro
- Rorschach test
- Roses in glass tubes at gas stations
- Roswell, New Mexico
- Route 66
- Route 66 (thing)
- Rudiger Safranski
- Rudolf Steiner
- Ruining your illusions of me. Or cementing them.
- Running away is great if you have somewhere to go
- Rushmore
- Russell Feingold
- Ryan Stiles
- Sacred Geometry
- Sacred ground a long way from nowhere
- Sad little spiral-bound notebook diaries
- Safeway of the damned
- Saige
- Salvia divinorum
- Sam and Max Hit the Road
- Samuel Beckett
- San Antonio Ghost Tracks
- Sanskrit
- Sanskrit and Chess
- Sanskrit and Mathematics
- Santa Claus Conquers the Martians
- Sarlo's Guru Rating Service
- Saul Kripke
- Scary, xenophobic subtexts in The Matrix
- Scenic Route
- schizoid
- Schizoid Personality Disorder
- schizophasia
- schizophasia (idea)
- schizophasic
- schizophrenia
- Schizotypal Personality Disorder
- school shootings
- School Shootings and Post-Structuralism
- Schopenhauer responds to Hegel, Mill, and Kierkegaard
- Schrödinger's Heart (poetry)
- Scientific Method
- Scientific progress: a pessimist's view (idea)
- Sega Mini Video Games
- self-alienated
- Self-consciousness
- Self-consciousness and objects (idea)
- Self-improvement is masturbation, self-destruction is the answer
- Self-improvement is masturbation, self-destruction is the answer (idea)
- Self-injury
- Self-pity
- Selman's Five Stages of Perspective Taking
- Semiotics
- sensory overload
- Separation of church and state
- Serjeant's Muse
- serotonin and suicide
- Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
- Seventeen ways to kill a sentence
- Seventeen ways to kill a sentence (idea)
- Sexual Deviants as portrayed in psychology books and 50's morality films
- Shag Harbour
- Shangri-La
- Shankara
- Shanoyu
- shaogo
- Shapeless girl of the dust
- She asked me to copy my poem into her notebook
- She had the most wonderful grin in the world
- She has trouble acting normal
- She is afraid of not being shy
- She is like a kaleidoscope, a strange attractor, a superstition
- She is so beautiful, I gave up Nihilism for her
- She is stupidly keeping herself a secret, when I know she has sparkly things to show me
- she left her handwriting all over the calendar
- She opened her eyes, looked at a world made entirely of white light
- She was thinking of a boy in California who had a couch and a job
- She's probably not single
- she's the reason the dust i finally leave will be better than the dust i came from
- shelves and shelves of a stranger's diaries
- Shiva
- shoegazing
- Shooting people with your gun at a -90 degree transformation (thing)
- Show Me How the Robots Dance
- Shut up, you with your more intelligent arguments
- shy extrovert
- Siamese Dream
- Siberian Hell
- Siddartha Gautama
- Siddhartha: Chapter I
- Sigil
- Silent calm tree dance
- Similarities between cellular automata and the universe (idea)
- Similarity of fractals to natural objects
- Simulacra and Simulation
- simultaneous book dropping
- sine1
- Singularity
- singxforever
- Sitting in the rain at night
- Situationist International
- Situationist Theses on Traffic
- Six foot snowdrifts, miles to the North, past midnight
- Six short poems written on six cold days
- Six short poems written on six cold days (poetry)
- Skull & Bones
- Sleeping in a car parked on the side of the road
- Slitting your wrists
- Smallest number greater than 0
- Smokey the Bear Sutra
- snow
- snow is creeping down the foothills. drawn out to a cold prairie, shameless with window-lights.
- So what if your radical ideas have already occurred to others
- So, I bought some new curtains. They're blue, and that act is symbolic of the hopelessness of my particular domestic situation.
- So, who is this Webster 1913 guy, anyway?
- So, you want to be a philosopher
- Social Anxiety
- social conservative
- Socialism
- socialist feminism
- Socialists are not necessarily Marxists
- sociology
- sociology of knowledge
- Socrates
- soft determinism
- solipsism
- Solipsistic Nihilism
- Some girl in the woods
- Some memories are buried deep and better left forgotten
- Some Notes on Wittgenstein and Religion
- Some of your peers who seem happy, popular, and self-confident are miserable
- Some people can just hold onto the things that really matter to them
- Some stuff you physically can NOT do (thing)
- Some thoughts about the Language of Thought
- Some who wander are lost
- Someone looking at a picture of me
- Someone's Reflection
- Something Awful
- Sometimes the apathy she saw made her want to curl up and cry
- Sometimes, all you can be is a friend
- Sometimes, I get so lonely I can't stand being conscious.
- Sometimes, I need this.
- Somewhere there is a syphilitic prostitute who is going to tell me about India (person)
- Somewhere, there's a universe with your name on it, spelled out in consecutive constellations
- Song Of Myself
- Søren Kierkegaard
- Sorites Paradox (idea)
- Sorry, but I AM my fucking khakis (idea)
- soul aikido
- Soulmates who will never ever meet again
- Sounds cool and means nothing
- SOY! SOY! SOY! Soy makes you strong! Strength crushes enemies! SOY!
- Space Ghost
- Space Ghost Coast to Coast
- spacetime
- spacetime diagram
- Spare Key Savior
- Speech Act Theory
- Speech and Phenomena
- Speech given by a U.S.M.C. Drill Instructor to his platoon, Camp Pendleton, 1998
- Speed chess, confessions of a positional player
- speed of life
- Speeding through the desert I found a fire I'd forgotten
- Sphere of Opposites
- Spinoza's solution to the mind/body problem
- Spiritual Lessons From the Master Anthropologist
- Spirituality has nothing to do with religion
- Spiritus Mundi
- Splinters from a Scrabble board
- Split Brain Syndrome
- Sporus
- Springheeled Jack
- Spy satellites can't read your license plate
- squeaky clean grocery store teens
- Sri Ramana Maharshi
- Srinivasa Ramanujan
- SSRI discontinuation syndrome
- St. Louis Browns
- Stages of hallucinogenic experience
- stand/alone/bitch
- Standing on a mountaintop in northern Siberia under the rapidly descending bulk of asteroid McAlmont, with a calculating expression and a baseball bat
- Standing on a mountaintop in northern Siberia under the rapidly descending bulk of asteroid McAlmont, with a calculating expression and a baseball bat (fiction)
- Stanford Prison experiment
- Starchild skull
- state of mind
- Stellar fusion and heteronormative society
- Stephen Blumberg, Bibliokleptomaniac
- Stephen Colbert's Alpha Squad 7: Lady Nocturne: A Tek Jansen Adventure
- Stephen Colbert's speech to the White House Correspondents' Dinner
- Stephen Hawking
- Steppenwolf
- Steven Pinker
- Steven Truscott and Lynne Harper
- Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
- Strange in the American midwest
- Strange lights in the night sky
- Strange man makes permanent visit
- Strange things homeless people have said to me
- Strange, deep seated sadness
- stream of consciousness
- Structural Linguistics
- Structural Linguistics (idea)
- structuralism
- Stuckey's
- Student #478993320 went on a shooting rampage today
- Student caught with loaded .38
- Stupid
- Sub Pop
- subconscious diving
- SubGenius
- Submissions for the "I'd Rather Be Noding" Bumper Sticker
- Substance dualism
- Suburban Blight
- Suburban Myth
- Suburbia
- Subversive Thought for the Day
- Suffering and knowledge in ancient texts
- Sufi mystics
- Suicide
- Suicide (idea)
- Suicide (person)
- Suicide culture
- Suicide in dreams
- Suicide is a permanent solution to a permanent problem
- Suicide is NOT a solution
- Suicide is Painless
- Suicide is Taoist
- sunyata
- Super Mario Brothers: A Literary Criticism
- Superdickery
- Superdickery (review)
- Superstring Theory
- Surrealism in the Beatles' music
- surveillance society
- surveillance society (idea)
- Survival Research Laboratories
- Surviving a desert hike
- Susan Goldman, who has cervical cancer, is partly thankful as she braces herself but changes her mind as she's sprayed with burning jet fuel.
- suspension of disbelief
- Svaha
- Swami Vivekananda
- syllogism
- Syllogistic Fallacies
- Symbolic and Connectionist approaches to cognition
- Synaesthesia
- Synchronicity
- systematic desensitization
- T.A.Z.: "Gone to Croatan"
- T.A.Z.: For a Congress of Weird Religions
- T.A.Z.: Waiting for the Revolution
- Tales of MYSTERY and the UNEXPLAINED
- Tales of MYSTERY and the UNEXPLAINED (thing)
- Talking Heads
- Tao Te Ching
- Taoism
- Taos Hum (thing)
- Tarski's Theory of Truth
- tat tvam asi
- Teach me to dream (idea)
- Technological advances take up more of our time
- technology singularity
- Ted Bundy's defense of moral subjectivism
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Telegram
- telegraph
- Telephone exchange names (thing)
- Tell me a story about a burro, standing atop a mesa, surrounded by a flock of geese, being fed by a weathered old man wearing nothing but a Jimmy hat
- Tell me a story about clouds
- Tell me about your secret places
- Tell me how you want to die, and I'll tell you who you are
- Tem42
- temporal lobe
- temporal lobe epilepsy
- Temporary Autonomous Zone
- tentative
- Tetragrammaton (definition)
- tetralemmic logic
- Thales
- Thanatos
- Thanksgiving, suicide, and the breakdown of an already dysfunctional family
- that old Philip Glass knock knock joke
- That small town feeling
- That which does not kill me, makes me stronger
- The "is" of identity
- The "No soap, radio!" joke
- The (Insert Party Here) Agenda
- the 0th dimension
- The ability of planarian worms to run a maze more successfully after being fed the remains of a successful worm
- The absence of something does not assume the presence of its opposite
- The abyss gazes also: Flight
- The action packed mentalist brings you the fucking jams
- The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad
- The Adventures of Milo and Otis
- The Anathematization of Baruch Spinoza
- The angstiest poem in the world
- The answer is usually "Fine," whether or not you are fine
- The Arcades Project
- The Art of Insulting
- The Art of Looking Sideways
- The Barn Restaurant Murder
- The Base of all Metaphysics
- The best teacher I ever had
- The best way to cure a broken heart is to give the pieces away
- The Bible's Influence on Catcher in the Rye
- The Big Bang as the origin of matter
- The Big Bang Theory
- The Big Lebowski
- The biggest dose of LSD ever
- The Bilderberg Group
- The bizarre death of Serena Sutton-Smith
- The Blacke Asylum (place)
- The Book of Disquiet
- The Book of the Damned
- The Book of the Damned (thing)
- The Book of the Damned: Chapter 1 (thing)
- The Book of the Damned: Chapter 6
- The Books
- The boy who was picked last in gym class
- The boy with just a head and a burlap sack for a body
- The Burgess Nonsense Book
- The Catcher in the Rye
- The Charm of the Highway Strip
- The Chewbacca Defense
- The CIA wants YOU!
- The circuit is completed by the dog
- The collapse of complex societies
- The Collect Call of Cthulhu
- The Comfort of Depression
- The common man's view of technology
- The Complicated History of the Concept of the Soul
- The computer is not a medium
- The Consolation of Philosophy (thing)
- The Consumer
- The Contents Of Lincoln's Pockets
- The Contents Of Lincoln's Pockets (person)
- The corporate existence as yet another a way of avoiding life
- The creepy Inglis billboard in Toronto
- The Cremation of Sam McGee
- The Cryptic Words Of Patrick Stewart (fiction)
- The Cube
- The Culture of Make Believe
- The Custodian
- The dark devices of Alton Wigett
- The day I realized what being alive was
- The day the music died (poetry)
- the death of books
- The death of my sense of adventure
- The Death of Sardanapalus
- The death of the uncarved block
- the depression of seeking work
- The Desert
- The Desert of his Soul
- the desert was once alive, but I don't remember it
- The Deserted Village
- The Devil of Woodstock
- The Devil's Footprints in Devon
- The Dharma Bums
- The Diamond Disappearance
- The Dice Man
- the difference between mathematics and physics
- The difference between the facts and the truth
- The digits of pi are not random.
- The Distinction of High-rise Living
- The doctors are confident the pills will always win
- The Donner Party
- The Dude Abides
- The echoes as they come
- The edge of the world
- The Eightfold Model of Human Consciousness
- The Elephant Man
- The Elusive Bookshop
- The empty notebook
- The everlasting human goal of attaining a meaningful existence
- The Everything People Registry
- The Evil Overlord list
- The Extraterrestrial Highway
- The extroverted feeler learns about "bad strangers"
- The fire in the sky, the fire in your hand, the sad songs without bodies, surrounding us like ghosts
- the first thought of Zarathustra
- The Fragile
- The fragility of human joy
- The free will 'pseudo-problem' (idea)
- The future like a corpse in snow
- The game is afoot, Watson!
- The Gateless Gate
- The Geography of Nowhere
- The Giant Pumpkin Murders
- The girl on the bus
- The girls had gone wild and now my dad's cock was missing
- The Glass Bead Game
- The Golden Sayings of Epictetus, 1
- The Gone, Growing in Number
- The Grand Cosmological Freak Out
- The Great Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra
- The greatest line spoken by Keanu Reeves
- The guilt-depression cycle
- The gun is good. The penis is evil. The penis shoots seeds, and makes new life, and poisons the earth with a plague of men, as once it was. But the gun shoots death, and purifies the earth of the filth of brutals. Go forth and kill!
- The guy who may as well already be dead and therefore doesn't care about the consequences of his actions and is able to move with perfect freedom for the remainder of what will likely be a tragically short life
- The Hacker as Archetype
- The heat death of the Universe
- The Heckling Laugh of a Boy with No Arms and No Heart
- The Hermit's Sacrifice
- The Highly Sensitive Person
- The Highwayman
- The Hike From Hell. An Appalachian Trail E2 Noder Meet of Truly Nietzschean Proportions.
- The Hollow Men
- The Hollow Men V
- The homunculus problem (idea)
- The Hopkinsville Incident
- The horror...
- The House on Haunted Hill
- The House on the Island Where She Was Born
- The how-ya-doing guy
- The Hudsucker Proxy
- The Idiot's Guide to the Transmutation of Morals
- The Illuminatus! Trilogy
- The Immortal Game
- The importance of cardboard boxes
- The importance of cardboard boxes (idea)
- The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies
- The Infamous Bell Tower Prank of 1996
- The Information Bubble (idea)
- The Interpretation of Dreams
- The introverted thinker deals with death
- The Introverted Thinker Fights Back
- The Inverted World
- The invisible pull of a highway
- The Invisibles
- The Invisibles vs. The Matrix
- The Irreducible Agendum of Membrane Collision
- The issue of teleportation and self
- The Joy Of Small Things
- The kinda guy whose SO wants to install a video camera in his head
- The King, Multidimensional
- The King, Multidimensional (fiction)
- The Know
- The Laramie Project
- The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door.
- The Last Unenlightened Man in the Universe
- The Law of Personal Universes
- The Legend of Who Built Reynir Church
- The little red-haired girl
- The logic of atheism
- The London Beer Flood of 1814
- The loneliest payphone in America
- The Lonely Man
- The lost art of walking
- The Lost Dutchman's Mine
- The Lost Rhoads Gold Mines
- The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
- The Lovecraftian compulsion to keep writing even as one is being devoured
- The Lovecraftian compulsion to keep writing even as one is being devoured (idea)
- the Lubbock Lights
- The Magus
- The Male Gaze
- The Man
- The Man who Loved Islands
- The Mansion of Hidden Souls
- The Manual (How to Have a Number One the Easy Way)
- the mass extinction of the North American megafauna in the late Pleistocene
- The mathematician as madman
- The Max Headroom Incident
- The meaning of life is infinite Pac-Man
- The medium is the message
- The Meme Machine
- The memories of presence
- The memories of presence (idea)
- The Meredith Kercher Murder
- The metanarrative of contemporary America (idea)
- The Metaphysics of Mathematics: Frege vs. Brouwer
- The mind-body problem
- The Mind's I
- The Mojave Desert spit him out, and the Pacific Ocean swallowed him, half-chewed
- The moment you realize how much of your life experience is hopelessly interlaced
- The Monster Mash
- The most beautiful chess move ever played
- The Most Disappointing Joke Ever
- The Most Photographed Barn in America
- The Most Remote Town in the United States
- the most unusual person i ever (briefly) met
- The Mothman Prophecies
- The movements exist on their own terms, manifesting rare beauty
- The murder of Dariusz Janiszewski (event)
- The Mysteries of Harris Burdick
- The mysterious fires of Canneto Di Caronia
- The mysterious notebook of an (ex-?) angst-ridden teenager
- The Mystery of Pain
- The Mystery of the Invisible Hobo-buddy
- The mystery of Traven Torsvan Croves
- The Mystery Spot
- The mystic need for solitude
- The Myth of Sisyphus (idea)
- The Myth of the Liberal Media
- The necessity of stillness (poetry)
- The New Red Green Show
- The Night Killers
- The night your father was stabbed in the back room of a convenience store. No mercy.
- The ninth secret poem
- The Noble vs. the Ressentiment
- The note I didn't give to the woman in the bookstore
- The nothing of it all
- The number you have dialed is imaginary
- the objective meaninglessness of life
- The old abandoned Internet, off on the edge of town
- The Old Dark House (review)
- The old man on the bench, for example, made her cry (person)
- The Ominous Mail Delivery Robot
- The one valid argument for Judaism over any other religion
- The Onion
- The only thing stopping us is the pressure. If your machine can withstand it, we are already on our way.
- The only thing that life is missing is the background music
- The Ontological/ Semantic Scavenger Hunt
- The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
- The Origins and History of Consciousness
- The Outer Limits
- The Outsider
- The Parable of the Coffee Cup and the Donut
- The Pennsylvania Hermit
- The people on the bus
- The perfect male orgasm
- The philosophy of a lurker
- The phrase 'God is mathematics' is hidden in the digits of pi
- The pleasure of not having a car
- the poet and the scientist (personal)
- The Poet and The Worm (poetry)
- The Pragmatic Critique of Analytic Philosophy
- The Preachers of Death
- The Precession of Simulacra in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
- The pretty girl has no friends
- The problem is you're not paranoid enough!
- The problem with looking for patterns in pi
- The problems of the modern west
- The prophet in the road
- The Purple People Eater
- The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows
- The Rachel Nickell murder
- The Rambler's Association
- The Raven (The Edgar Allan Porn version) (thing)
- The real reason pi was never calculated to a high precision in ancient times
- the reality box
- The reality of this information makes it irrelevant
- The Red Green Show
- The Red Tree
- The reemergence of fascism (idea)
- The Religious Experience of Philip K. Dick
- The revolution will not be televised
- The Road Not Taken
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show
- The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám
- The Sci-Fi Channel (essay)
- The SCUM manifesto
- The Second Self
- The Seven Dimensions of Religion (idea)
- The Shadow
- The Shins
- The silence of a snow landscape
- The Six Orthodox Schools of Indian Philosophy
- The skyline was beautiful on fire (poetry)
- The Smashing Pumpkins
- The Smiley Face Murders (event)
- The Snorks
- The social construction of reality
- The Society of the Spectacle
- The soft dive of oblivion
- The Sound and the Fury
- The Stargazer killer (person)
- The Stile Project
- The Straight Dope
- The Stranger
- The superiority of the Latin alphabet
- The supreme value of the useless
- The Surfer Theory
- The television screen of our collective unconscious
- The television will not be revolutionized
- The Ten Principles of Pythagoras
- The terrible beauty of an industrial landscape at dawn
- The terrible beauty of an industrial landscape at dawn (place)
- The Terrible Secret of Space
- The terrorists have already won "ANY BREAKFAST BAGEL SANDWICH" at McDonald's! (idea)
- The Texas UFO Crash of 1897
- The theory of evolution says that life originated, and evolution proceeds, by random chance
- The theory of reality
- The Third Policeman
- the thoughts of a deaf person
- The three stages of existence
- The Tiger, the Brahman, and the Jackal
- the tiniest desert in the world
- The train's heart is big and black, but it cries to lonely sky
- The Trees
- The Trial
- The true rulers of the World
- The truth and who I am when I look at it
- The truth is not your friend
- The Twilight Zone
- The twist of Kafka's hand
- The Unabomber's Manifesto
- The unbearable heaviness of "Lite" radio
- The Unbearable Lightness of Being
- The unexamined genius of schoolyard mimes
- The unexpected hanging
- The Unfolding of Language
- The unique smell of American paper money
- The Universals of Culture
- The Universe always gets the first move
- The universe is flickering like my television set
- The Universe said, Ha!
- The Unpublished Works of Dr. Seuss
- The Unquiet Grave
- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics
- The Vagabond
- The Walrus and the Carpenter
- The Water Bear FAQ (idea)
- The white chrysanthemum (thing)
- The whole world is lying to me
- the wild flamingos of my Oklahoma trailer park paradise
- the wise mapmaker omits his home
- The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet
- The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet (thing)
- The world breaks everyone (idea)
- The World's Dullest Person
- The world's philosophers get stoned
- The world's worst chess blunders
- The X-Files
- The zero/infinity paradox
- The Zombies of 668 Axe Avenue!
- the.web.hermit
- Theatre of the Absurd
- TheLady
- Theodor Adorno
- Theodore Roethke
- theological aspects of temporal lobe function
- theoretical physics
- Theories on the Origin and Nature of Language (idea)
- Theory of knowledge
- Theory of Relativity
- Theory on Consumerism
- Theosophy
- theothanatology
- There are places in this world where mundane, forgotten things have learned to weave their own magic
- There exists no 1:1 mapping between words in different languages
- there is a level in the world beyond the physical
- There is despair, Mr. President, in faces you don't see, in the places you don't visit in your shining city
- there is hope everywhere
- There is no answer; there is no question
- There is no good depression. It's not sexy. It's not fun. It's not the new rock and roll.
- There is no time paradox
- There is no you
- There is nothing inside of you
- There's a special place in my heart for old suitcases
- These women who must live like the high Sierra white pine, fed somehow by the alpine wind (person)
- Things I had not seen before coming to America
- Things inside the fort in Minnesota
- Things to consider if you might be talking to an alien
- Things to consider when choosing a Martial Art
- Things to do to salvage a shitty day
- Thinking without language
- third eye
- third shift
- Thirteen Ways of Looking at White
- This is just pure cool! It's cryptic, mystical, lovely. I had no choice!
- This is the concept you will use to make yourself invisible
- This is the way we make meaning of the past (idea)
- This is this. This is not something else.
- This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time
- This must be the night when I remember how to fly, when the breeze catches my weight at last (place)
- This ninja is getting increasingly incompetent!
- This poem can be put off no longer
- This sentence is in Spanish while you're not looking
- This song is meant to be played so loudly it liquefies your thoughts as you drive at night through abandoned neon dinosaur bones
- This terrain is constantly changing, but if you look closely, you can find the patterns
- Thomas Merton (person)
- Thomas Pynchon
- Thomas Szasz
- thorough neuropsychology of depression
- Those are giants; and if thou art afraid, away with thee out of this and betake thyself to prayer while I engage them in fierce and unequal combat
- those whose lives you impact seldom remain in yours
- Thought ball
- Thought loop
- thought patterns
- Thoughts at 2am
- Thoughts on symbolism
- threads of perfect woven into a man
- Three McDonald's Poems
- Three United States Counties Not Connected to Land
- Throw me to the sky and let the clouds tear me up (idea)
- Tibetan Book of the Dead
- Tijuana Bible
- Time Becomes Meaningless In The Face Of Creativity
- Time does not exist
- Time does not exist without rain
- Time keeps on slippin' into the future
- Time regression effect while stoned
- Time travel
- Time, Entropy, and Cognition Are All the Same Thing
- Timothy Leary's experiential typewriter
- Tipping strippers with Susan B. Anthony dollars
- tkeiser
- Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius
- To a beautiful woman without any ketchup
- To anyone contemplating suicide
- Tomorrow's just an excuse away
- Too Shy to be Pretty
- Too small a Universe to memorize Pi
- Tool: The most difficult music in modern rock
- Tourist Traps with Weird Physics
- Town Crier
- transcendence of instinct
- Transcendence through anonymity
- Transcendental unity of apperception
- transcendentalism
- Transgressing the Boundaries
- Transhumanist Terminology
- Transience
- Transmeta
- transvaluation of values
- trashendental
- Travel changes your brain
- Travelling on a beam of light
- Travis Walton
- Tree of Knowledge (thing)
- Trees of Mystery
- Tribes
- Tribes 2
- Tricks girls use to look like they swallow
- Tripping the light fantastic
- Tris
- Trout Fishing in America
- Turing Machine
- TV dinner
- Two Beds and a Coffee Machine (idea)
- Two cow economics (idea)
- Two Dogmas of Empiricism
- Two dollar bill
- Two men look from prison bars. One saw mud and one saw stars.
- Two Strangers in Passing
- U.G. Krishnamurti
- U.G. Krishnamurti (person)
- Ubu Roi
- UFO Flying Saucers
- Umberto Eco and the Bunnymen
- Under the Umbrella Tree
- Undermining the foundations of the Establishment by supporting local singer-songwriters and avoiding genetically engineered foodstuffs (idea)
- undetectable illusion
- unhappy consciousness
- unidentified objects #003 & #024 (thing)
- Unified Field Theory
- unrequited love
- Unskilled and Unaware of It
- Unsolved Mysteries
- Untheorem of nonexistence
- Until today, it really pissed me off that I'd become this totally centered Zen Master and nobody had noticed
- Unusual natural phenomena
- Urban Exploration
- US Highway 33
- US Highway 41
- US Highway 50
- US Highway 50 (place)
- Useful Latin phrases
- user-970414
- vagabond
- Vagaries (fiction)
- Valis
- Valrus
- Van Eck phreaking
- Vanishing Act
- Vaslav Nijinsky
- Vedic mathematics
- VendaBait
- Vending machine
- vending machines that dispense poetry
- Vendramism
- Vernor Vinge on the Singularity
- Very high LSD dose account
- via negativa
- Viktor Schauberger
- VIN number
- Vine Deloria Jr.
- Vinland map
- Viswanathan Anand
- voices in my head
- von Neumann's catastrophe
- Voyager Golden Record
- Voynich Manuscript
- wage slavery (thing)
- Waiting for December
- Waiting for Godot
- Waiting for Godot (thing)
- Wal-Mart as an Anti-Zombie Fortress
- Wal-Mart, Differential Equations, and Global Relativism
- WaldemarExkul
- walking a coin across the back of your hand
- Walking in the dark, you see such strange sights
- Walking Man, An Annotated Index
- Walking Man, An Annotated Index (idea)
- walking meditation
- Wallace Stevens
- Walter Benjamin
- Wanderlust
- Warehouse 23
- Was that real, or did I dream it?
- Wash the grief away (thing)
- We are all linked in our loneliness
- We are all made of stars
- We are all sitting on our asses, simultaneously staring blankly at computer screens all over the world
- We are all starstuff, billion year-old carbon; got to get ourselves back into The Garden
- We are robots. We work with each other. We produce small scraps of paper.
- We are trapped in the belly of this horrible machine, and the machine is bleeding to death
- We are using the machines to steal it all back again
- We emerged on the other side of the cartoon holes fully awake and discovered we were whole
- We exchange stories of almosts, of near deaths, theories on fate and algorithm, probability and God
- we found an old letter
- We have a fictitious world; that is the first step: (poetry)
- We met in a dream, we were falling off a bridge
- We only smoke when bored so we do two packs a day, and we've lost the difference between bored and lonely anyway
- We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospection
- We're all Borf in the End
- We've Replaced Your Freedom with the Illusion of Freedom (idea)
- Webster 1913
- Webster 1913 is a fake
- Wednesday night, Henderson (poetry)
- Weekly World News
- Weird headless death cult of writer apostles
- weird radio, deserts, ghost towns, diesel moons
- weird radio, deserts, ghost towns, diesel moons (place)
- Weird Tales
- Welcome to Everything
- Welcome to our Modern World, please find yourself a corner. (essay)
- Weltanschauung
- Weltschmerz
- Wendigo
- What did you learn from your time in the solitary cell of your mind?
- What do you need to transfer to say you have transferred your mind?
- What doesn't kill you can only fuck you up for a really, really long time
- What doesn't take a million years takes a millionth of a second
- What happens when you get too lonely
- What I do with my philosophy degree
- What is Everything?
- What is Life?
- What is this useless broken wooden boy? He is saying stupid things, he is lurching!
- What is true thought?
- What is wrong with wanting death?
- What loneliness can do to you
- What price convenience?
- What the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves
- What would existence be like for a child born with no senses?
- what would it take to be serene again? (thing)
- What Would You Do For a Klondike® Bar?
- What's the Frequency Kenneth?
- What's your social security number?
- When being chased by CIA trainees, don't mention Belgium to the waffle house physicist
- When he was five, his father made him murder his imaginary friend. (poetry)
- When we were little kids, running (idea)
- When you are smart, nothing is true
- When you're dead, you're dead
- When you're supposed to go down, find the deepest well and go down to the bottom
- Where are those polar bears getting all that Coca-Cola?
- Where does the laughter go?
- Where's the beef?
- Which 3-manifold do we live in?
- Which 4-manifold do we live in?
- white noise
- Who am I?
- Who am I? Who are you?
- Who owns our writeups?
- Who sees the most beautiful stars, the poet or the astronomer?
- Who would win in a knife fight between Webster 1913 and Vulgar Tongue 1811 on the moon?
- Whose Line is it Anyway?
- Why Ancient Historians wrote history (essay)
- Why are all senses but vision abstract?
- Why are homosexuals held to different standards of conduct than heterosexuals?
- Why are new books so expensive? (thing)
- Why are the most beautiful things in life so damn fragile? (fiction)
- Why aren't people real anymore?
- Why Descartes should be Resurrected and then Shot
- Why do all the pretty things always run away from me?
- Why Do People Pigeonhole themselves?
- Why does it take so long to get to sleep?
- why don't poets kill each other anymore?
- Why feminist ethics is not relativism
- Why God doesn't ride photons
- Why I choose to remain unmedicated
- Why I read sociology textbooks for fun
- Why is the universe silent?
- Why it is so hard to be yourself
- Why Libertarianism won't work
- Why matter cannot reach the speed of light
- Why mirrors reverse left and right, but not up and down
- Why Mondays suck: an essay I wrote with Albert Camus
- Why not just kill yourself?
- Why religion is bad
- Why Self-Lamination is impractical
- Why the existence of God cannot be disproven
- Why there is no moloch13
- Wilford Brimley
- Wilhelm Wundt
- Will the distant future see a removal from linear thought?
- Willard Van Orman Quine
- William James
- William James Sidis
- William Least Heat-Moon
- William T. Vollmann
- Winchester Mystery House
- Winslow Homer (person)
- Winter solstice is the reason for the season
- Winter Thoughts
- Wired, old school: Information exchange and the explosive popularity of 17th and 18th century coffee houses
- With Bohr and Heisenberg at the empty heart of everything
- Withdrawal in disgust is not the same as apathy
- Wittgenstein and ethics beyond philosophy
- Wittgenstein's Poker
- Words that are supposedly untranslatable
- Words that don't mean the same as they used to
- Working in a library is never as much fun as you think it might be.
- Wrong number
- Wu Wei
- wu-wei
- yam
- Yamashita Treasure
- Yashuma Neiboku
- Yelling things in quiet places
- You are complexity, studied and defined
- You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike
- You are language
- You are on a list of four who are allowed. You are number four.
- You are reading this
- You can do anything you want to, as long as it's not important
- You can't see a man die hundreds of times and not think him immortal
- You couldn't use a time machine to visit the 13th century
- You every era anachronism, soft-shoeing to pantomime beats
- You have a sad feeling for a moment, then it passes
- You know it is going to be a strange day when you wake up dead
- You make yourself lonely even though you don't have to
- You move with the eloquence of a fiery wall of disintegrating fuselage
- You noders still fucking suck, but your needing my wisdoms bad
- You see, my son, here time changes into space
- You will know your action. You are present there, not thinking of somewhere else you ought to be.
- You will not reach enlightenment by reading things
- You wouldn't know it, but I think you're achingly beautiful
- You're not from around here, are you?
- Your boss can fire you for no reason (idea)
- Your brain is a super computer
- Your God does not make me want to reconsider my thoughts about suicide
- Your Happiness Doesn't Matter
- Your heart only beats in 1s and 0s
- Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter
- Your memories and identity are meaningless and impotent against these words.
- Your radical ideas about philosophy have already occurred to others
- Your radical ideas about society, individualism, and religion have already occurred to others
- Your smile was embarrassed. Your fingers were dew-covered. I am still smiling.
- Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
- Zardoz
- Zazen
- Zecharia Sitchin
- Zen
- Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
- Zen morning laugh
- Zen Story: Nothing Exists
- Zen, hideous perfect Zen
- Zenarchy
- Zeno and the False Dichotomy (essay)
- Zeno's Paradox
- Zeno's Paradox as proof of a finite universe
- Zephronias
- Zippy the Pinhead
- Zodiac Killer
- Zombie baby jokes
- zombie hunting
- Zugzwang
- Zwan