Here's the stuff we found when you searched for "doraped from him by the society which bore him. Bigger’s depraved actions are indecipherable to him, so how in the world would the reader be able to understand his motivation? Wright makes the reader an observer, so that they can be objective, because he isn’t attempting to obtain pity for his protagonist, rather to obtain a clear social perspective on the urban climate for black people in the 1930’s. And while this is the story of a man, and it provides many facts and details about his situation, the novel neglects to delve into"

If you Log in you could create a "doraped from him by the society which bore him. Bigger’s depraved actions are indecipherable to him, so how in the world would the reader be able to understand his motivation? Wright makes the reader an observer, so that they can be objective, because he isn’t attempting to obtain pity for his protagonist, rather to obtain a clear social perspective on the urban climate for black people in the 1930’s. And while this is the story of a man, and it provides many facts and details about his situation, the novel neglects to delve into" node. If you don't already have an account, you can register here.