The follow words are being considered for addition into the Oxford English Dictionary. From the OED homepage: "Often these are slang or colloquial items which cannot be researched in specialist texts and are most likely to be turned up by a general reader in popular or non-specialized literature."
- asteroid field : antedate 1980
- bachelor pad : antedate 1976
- back-to-back, adv. phr. (of parallel testing of two or more comparable items, esp. cars) : antedate 1983
- curvy, a. (of woman or woman's figure) : antedate 1961
- donor fatigue : antedate 1984
- fell off (the back of) a lorry/truck : antedate 1973
- the full monty : any evidence (esp. pre-1986)
- full-on, adj. and adv. (all-out, unrestrained) : pre-1985 evidence in context
- to give someone one (=sex) : antedate 1984
- joined-up writing/handwriting : antedate 1983
- made up (Liverpool, = happy) : any evidence
- mouth almighty : any evidence
- nul points : any evidence
- politicking, vbl. n. : pre-1928
- sulphate, v. intr. (to become sulphated) : interdate 1898-1982
- termiting, n. (the extraction of termites for food) : any examples
- tipitiwitchet, tippitiwitchet, etc. (US = Venus fly-trap) : interdate 1763-1940
- to watch one's (or someone's) back : antedate 1974