Durham is one of the UK's metropolitan universities founded in the early Victorian years (1832), long after the ancient universities of Oxford and Cambridge. It was founded on grounds owned originally by the Dean and Chapter of Durham's cathedral, right in the heart of this beautiful, northern town. It ranks in age alongside the universties of Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol and others.
It admits around 3000 undergraduates each year, but gets applications from 21000. There are 647 full-time academic staff, with another 260 academic-related.
The University is academically of world class in the six areas listed below, and is strong in many others.
Durham was been awarded the highest mark (5 stars) for the following departments under the UK government's most recent Research Assessment Exercise - RAE
Durham is half-way between a collegiate university, like Oxford and Cambridge, and a normal university, such as Newcastle. This means that students and staff are affiliated with a college, but the academic departments are at the University level, so that students from all colleges attend lectures together. Each college has an income, and some expenditure, but none of them has the vast wealth associated with the ancient Oxbridge colleges.
A second campus, Stockton, Campus, or UDSC, was added in 1992
Durham University was founded following the efforts of William van Mildert, last Prince Bishop of Durham, and of the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral. An Act of Parliament in 1832 enabled the Dean and Chapter of Durham to "appropriate part of the property of their church to the establishment of a University in connection therewith".
The first students were taken in the following year, and were housed in temporary accommodation on Palace Green. The Constitution of the University was formally recognised in 1837, when it's Royal Charter was granted, and within a week, the university awarded its first degrees.
Go for
Biological Sciences
Business School
Classics and Ancient History
Computer Science
East Asian Studies
Economics and Finance
School of Education
School of Engineering
English Studies
Foundation for Small and Medium Enterprise Development
Geological Sciences
Health, School for
.....Sport and Health
.....Public Policy and Health
House of Sport
Lifelong Learning, Centre for
Linguistics and English Language
Mathematical Sciences
Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Institute for
Modern European Languages
Sociology and Social Policy
Applied Social Studies, Centre for (CASS)
Community and Youth Work Studies Unit
Combined' programmes at Durham
Combined Honours in Arts
Combined Honours in Social Sciences
Natural Sciences
European Studies
Academic programmes at Stockton Campus
Applied Psychology
Biomedical Sciences
Business Finance
Education: Initial Teacher Training
(Primary Education, Science, Information & Communications Technology)
Environmental and Geographical Sciences
Geography and Cities
Health and Human Sciences
Human Sciences
Sport, Health and Exercise
Collingwood College
Graduate Society
Grey College
Hatfield College
St Aidan's College
St Chad's College
St Cuthbert's Society
George Stephenson College
College of St. Hild & St. Bede
St John's College
John Snow College
St Mary's College
Trevelyan College
University College
University of Durham, Stockton Campus
Ushaw College
Van Mildert College
Teikyo University in Durham
other highlights
* The
Oriental Museum:
* Old Fulling Mill Museum:
Botanic Garden