Trina Robbins is a cartoonist, author, and editor. Her comic books include California Girls and Go Girl (with Anne Timmons). She is known for encouraging other women artists and writers, and is a member of Friends of Lulu.
Her work appears in:
"It Ain't Me, Babe" in 1970, the first
underground comic written and drawn solely by women
All Girl Thrills
Girl Fight 1&2
Wimmin's Comix 1-6
Silver Metal Lover
Wonder Woman: The Once and Future Story (DC Comics)
Califia, Queen of California
Strip AIDs
Choices - a pro-choice benefit comic anthology
From Girls to Grrlz; A Century of Women Cartoonists (1999)
A Century of Women Cartoonists
The Great Women
She drew and published a great set of
Valerie Solanas paper dolls, too!