With a commanding 75%, the number one answer is: To the left.

A well-tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men.

An innocent enough question, the answer to which is intended to avoid unnecessary or accidental contact, in the area of the groin, between tailor and customer while having one's measurements taken for custom clothing, specifically trousers. On the other hand, lore holds that it's to allow for more movement room and fabric for that side, which may be true for some extraordinary individuals.

Common wisdom maintains that approximately three-quarters of all of those with penises will respond to such an inquiry that they place, or tuck, their penis to the left side of their sagittal plane, or midline, while wearing pants or shorts, whereas less than ten percent respond with neither right nor left. These responses remain consistent for all occasions, barring genetic abnormalities, certain surgeries, select body modifications, and/or the odd pair of particularly persnickety pants.

Additionally, the left-sided arrangement aligns more closely with the fly on trousers designed for men and is more convenient for right-handed individuals as well. This does beget another question, however: Coincidence, causation, or correlation?

Source: https://www.realmenrealstyle.com/dress-left-right/

SQ '24

items of clothing men find inexplicably alluring

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