"Till The Morning Comes" is a song by Neil Young on the seminal After the Gold Rush album. It ends the first side of the album. It is a very short song, around a minute in length, and seems almost to be an afterthought, as the song fades away as the first side of the album comes to an end. The lyrics are also very simple:
I'm gonna give you till the morning comes
Till the morning comes, till the morning comes.
I'm only waiting till the morning comes
Till the morning comes, till the morning comes.
And those are the lyrics in their entirety.
Neil Young was known as one of the more cerebral rock musicians, and many of his lyrics were somehow socially meaningful, or at least poetic and evocative. Or sometimes mysterious. But this song is exactly what it sounds like: a simple plaintive message, that doesn't say much, but manages to capture a mood very very well. This song was written in the days before every telephone had a little clock on it; but earlier today after I left a phone message and intensely watched the pixels on the time change over, thinking that I would only wait until 10:52 PM, and not a minute later to wait for a return phone call, this song popped into my head. Some things are very well understood by those who have been there.