Now grown in
Mexico, Florida, and Southern California, the White Sapote (pronounced sah-PO-tay) is a subtropical fruit, native to
Central America.
Closely resembling an apple, in size and shape, this subtropical has a thin edible skin that is easily bruised. The two most popular varieties sold in the United States are distinguishable by their skin colors - ranging anywhere from green to bright yellow. The somewhat sour skin of the green colored Sapote will remain green when the fruit is ripe, while the skin of the yellow-green Sapote is sweeter and becomes more yellow as the fruit ripens. The creamy colored flesh of the White Sapote is very sweet and custard-like with several flat black seeds. Its distinctive flavor closely resembles a blend of banana, peach, lemon and coconut.
Although there is a black Sapote, it is a variety not widely available in the United States.