syndicated cartoon strip created by Darrin Bell and Theron Heir.
Rudy Park, named after the central
character rather than a
location, is
published by
United Feature Syndicate in more than eighty
newspapers and
online at http://www.comics.com/comics/rudypark/index.html (United Media), and http://www.uclick.com/client/nyt/rk/ (The New York Times).
Rudy Park is a humorous topical cartoon that focuses on technology, politics, and the economy while still being able to fit in the absurd. Rudy was taken to court by a GPS system he insulted, The House of Java Cybercafe (the main setting of the strip) has been (repeatedly) visited by aliens, Dick Cheney appeared for a week in drag ...
The Characters:
Rudy Park: Rudy, 25, took a job at The House of Java Cybercafe after his dot com start-up, widget.com, folded. He currently lives with a baboon who he bought from a dot com millionaire who went bust. The ultimate early adopter.
Armstrong Manyard: Entrepreneur, and the owner of The House of Java Cybercafe. Obscenely rich.
Darlene Desai: High-tech uber-multitasking businesswoman. Object of Rudy’s affection.
Randy Talor: Ladies man and ex-American football player.
Sadie Cohen: An aged and cantankerous woman. She is a Luddite, possibly only to annoy Rudy, and a formidable Scrabble player.
Samantha Park: Rudy’s sister, a school teacher.
The Authors:
Darrin Bell is also the staff cartoonist for The Daily Californian and a regular contributor to the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, and the Oakland Tribune. His editorial cartoons can be found at his website, http://www.editorialcartoons.org/ . http://www.bellcartoons.com/ is a centre for all cartoons authored by Darrin Bell.
Theron Heir is the pen name for a mysterious “humorist and prominent national journalist”.
The official Rudy Park website is: http://www.rudypark.com/ .
http://www.comics.com/comics/rudypark/index.html , http://www.editorialcartoons.org/ , http://www.rudypark.com/