4th Secretary of Defense of the United States, sworn in by Harry S. Truman, September 17, 1951

born September 14, 1895
Huntsville, Texas
died May 7, 1986
Locust Valley, New York


Military Career

Career Track

Miscellaneous Honors

  • 1945: Distinguished Service Medal for overseeing military aircraft expansion and deployment during World War II
    "He has truly been the eyes, ears and hands of the Secretary of War in respect to the growth of that enormous American airpower which has astonished the world and played such a large part in bringing the war to a speedy and successful conclusion." -- Harry S. Truman
  • 1963: Presidential Medal of Freedom
  • The Robert A. Lovett Professor of Military History is an esteemed endowed professorship at Yale University

Of Interest

references: http://www.defenselink.mil, http://www.ipl.org/, http://intellit.muskingum.edu/, http://www.dcia.com/skull.html, http://www.politicalgraveyard.com, http://www.yale.edu

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