The Egyptian god Ophois (Greek form), also knows as Upuaut or Wepwawet. Some sources place him as the son of the god Shu and goddess Tefnut.
The name means “He who opens the roads” or “opener of the ways”.
Portrayed as a wolf (or Jackal) in very early egyptian mythology, later as egyptian religious belief advanced and the various gods became humanised Ophois came to be portrayed as a human with the head of a jackal.
Originally a cemetery god, Ophois was associated with the funerary cult: Preceding the spirits of the dead in to the after life, and leading the procession at the feasts of Osiris.
Additionally associated with war, specifically leading soldiers in to battle. He was reputed to walk ahead of processions ensuring those who followed never met with opposition. Often portrayed on the standard (shedshed) carried at the head of an army.
Depicted in art as leading the sun through the sky as part of its nocturnal voyage.