I am in awe.
Cu #%* )pop mark/CuG 4 def/# 2 def%%%%@@P[TX---P\P_SXPY!Ex(mx2ex("SX!Ex4P)Ex=
CuG #%* *+Ex=
CuG #%*------------------------------------------------------------------*+Ex=
CuG #%* POLYGLOT - a program in seven languages 15 February 1991 *+Ex=
CuG #%* *+Ex=
CuG #%* Written by Kevin Bungard, Peter Lisle, and Chris Tham *+Ex=
CuG #%* *+Ex=
CuG #%* We have successfully run this program using the following: *+Ex=
CuG #%* ANSI COBOL: MicroFocus COBOL85 (not COBOL74) *+Ex=
CuG #%* ISO Pascal: Turbo Pascal (DOS & Mac), Unix PC, *+Ex=
CuG #%* AIX VS Pascal *+Ex=
CuG #%* ANSI Fortran: Unix f77, AIX VS Fortran *+Ex=
CuG #%* ANSI C (lint free): Microsoft C, Unix CC, GCC, Turbo C++, *+Ex=
CuG #%* Think C (Mac) *+Ex=
CuG #%* PostScript: GoScript, HP/Adobe cartridge, *+Ex=
CuG #%* Apple LaserWriter *+Ex=
CuG #%* Shell script: gnu bash, sh (SysV, BSD, MKS), ksh *+Ex=
CuG #%* 8086 machine language: MS-DOS 2.00, 3.03, 4.01, 5.00 beta *+Ex=
CuG #%* VPix & DOS Merge (under unix) *+Ex=
CuG #%* SoftPC (on a Mac), MKS shell *+Ex=
CuG #%* *+Ex=
CuG #%* Usage: *+Ex=
CuG #%* 1. Rename this file to polyglot.[cob|pas|f77|c|ps|sh|com] *+Ex=
CuG #%* 2. Compile and/or run with appropriate compiler and *+Ex=
CuG #%* operating system *+Ex=
CuG #%* *+Ex=
CuG #%* Notes: *+Ex=
CuG #%* 1. We have attempted to use only standard language features. *+Ex=
CuG #%* Without the -traditional flag gcc will issue a warning. *+Ex=
CuG #%* *+Ex=
CuG #%* 2. This text is a comment block in all seven languages. *+Ex=
CuG #%* *+Ex=
CuG #%* 3. When run as a .COM file with MS-DOS it makes certain *+Ex=
CuG #%* (not unreasonable) assumptions about the contents of *+Ex=
CuG #%* the registers. *+Ex=
CuG #%* *+Ex=
CuG #%* 4. When transfering from Unix to DOS make sure that a LF *+Ex=
CuG #%* is correctly translated into a CR/LF. *+Ex=
CuG #%* *+Ex=
CuG #%* Please mail any comments, corrections or additions to *+Ex=
CuG #%* peril@extro.ucc.su.oz.au *+Ex=
CuG #%* *+Ex=
CuG #%*------------------------------------------------------------------*QuZ=
CuG #%* *+Ex=
CuG #(* *(
C # */); /*(
C # *) program polyglot (output); (*+
C # identification division.
C # program-id. polyglot.
C #
C # data division.
C # procedure division.
C #
C # * ))cleartomark /Bookman-Demi findfont 36 scalefont setfont (
C # * (
C #
C # * hello polyglots$
C # main.
C # perform
C * ) 2>_$$; echo "hello polyglots"; rm _$$; exit
C stop run.
-*, 'hello polyglots'
C print.
C display "hello polyglots". (
C */ int i; /*
C */ main () { /*
C */ i=printf ("hello polyglots\n"); O= &i; return *O; /*
C *) (*
C *) begin (*
C *) writeln ('hello polyglots'); (*
C *) (* )
C * ) pop 60 360 (
C * ) pop moveto (hello polyglots) show (
C * ) pop showpage ((
C *)
end .(* )
C)pop% program polyglot. *){*/}