Confusion 50, YOLD 3190


Discordian Debate Recap

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia! Cut the Muster!

Suggesting that the world has become more suspect following the debate and the assassination attempt,
primarily because of the perceptions of cabbages.

First, there is a topic.

Then there is no topic.

Then there is:

The lowdown on the Great CNN Debate of 2024

The chaos meter went off the charts and through the roof, folks. (Fortunately, the hodge/podge transformer wasn't damaged beyond repair.} Reality's gotten a whole lot more wibbly-wobbly since that Thursday evening (not to mention July 13, 2024). Remember, 90% of communication is non-verbal, and TV is all about the visuals. Presentation is everything. Try watching the debate with the sound off and feast your eyes on the split screens. Focus on the one who's not blabbering.

Trump looked like he was studying cosmic surgery while Biden was speaking. But when it was Trump's turn to yak, Biden seemed a classic case of "Elvis has left the building."

Poor Ol’ Joe was like a guy in a nursing home lobby, chasing untethered thoughts in 90 minutes of struggle. And while one might feel a twinge of empathy, frenemies and rivals both were likely cackling with glee. They've probably decided they've got a seven-month window to wreak havoc before another American prez steps up to throw down.

Substance? Ha! It was 90 minutes of recycled 2020 talking points and Trump’s grumbling about Biden’s last three and a half years. No juicy details on what either plans to do if we hand them the keys to the kingdom for the next four years. Kamala was MIA, so no insights on her plans either if she finishes Biden’s term via ballot harvesting magic.

Biden’s “pep talk” about America being the top dog? Pure comedy gold. Sure, it was true for the first half-century of my life, but we’ve taken a nosedive in the 21st century, especially with his merry band of mascots at the helm. We’ve got a peer rival now — BRICS is rising, and we’re the sinking ship. The world’s moving away from the dollar, and we’re drowning in debt, with our weapon stockpiles drained for a lost cause in Ukraine. The Saudis are cozying up to BRICS and ditching the petro-dollar.

What do Biden or Trump plan to do about this new 21st-century mess? Who knows? Tapper and Bash didn’t ask. They played it safe, keeping things civil. Kudos to them for not letting their anti-Trump bias spill over, but let's hope CNN doesn't boot them for it.

Take note: 52 million tuned in on CNN, while 252 million opted for Twitter/𝕏. The regime media's grip is slipping, thanks to Elon Musk’s alternative platform. The biggest loser? CNN and their mainstream buddies, along with the Democrat brain trust who prepped Biden for seven days, fine-tuning his med mix and surrounding him with advisors.

The media has been lying about Biden’s cognitive state, just as they lied about a dozen other hoaxes. Biden's regurgitation of the Charlottesville “fine people” lie—despite Snopes debunking it—was peak absurdity. Feeding him that script was elder abuse if you ask me, which nobody did by the way.

The DNC built a nomination machine to prevent another 2008, ensuring Biden’s spot on the ballot. The only way to defenestrate him is to toss their own rules out the window, ignore state laws, and disenfranchise millions of voters. You know, SOP. Then find a political hack to look into the camera and declare Republicans the threat to democracy. Good luck with that. Although…

Post-debate, the chatter was all about who might replace Biden. But by Friday, his loyalists were dismissing the idea. The bullpen of possible subs isn’t brimming with competence - Newsom, Harris, Whitmer, and Pritzker are just younger narcissists who haven’t lost their marbles yet. They’re smart enough not to go down a rabbit hole with Biden’s sinking ship.

The rest of the world will pursue their own interests, unbothered by our media’s spin. A new world order is taking shape, and it doesn’t have to be bad for Americans unless we cling to unipolar fantasies and denial.

So, after the debate debacle, we’re left with this: the DNC fumbled their Hail Mary. The media will memory-hole it by Monday, distracting us with bright, shiny objects. Meanwhile, I’ll be chilling by the lake, soaking up serenity, practicing gratitude, manifesting abundance, and keeping the chaos at bay. Out in the country, avoiding being jittery with a side dish of nervous anticipation, where troubles feel far away, and the enfield’s call reminds us to keep perspective.

And that's a good thing, from sea to shining sea.

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
Monkey! Bat! Robot Hat!

SQ '24

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