The IIJH is a private,
non-governmental organization, allegedly dedicated to the study and
rehabilitation of 'those people who have fallen victim to the still little-understood syndrome known as "
late hipsterism"'.
Related maladies which also come under the self-defined purview of the IIJH are pathological cynicism, Galloping Irony, and Postmodernist Disillusion Disorder (PDD). A primary (alleged) project of the International Institute of Jaded Hipsters involves assisting jaded hipsters in progressing from the ironic to the post-ironic, using a variety of specialized psychiatric, medical, and aesthetic techniques. Research studies have also been started in order to determine the efficacy of preventing progression from the pre-ironic to the ironic in proto-hipsters and squares; however, early results seem to show (according to recently intercepted IIJH documents) that the side-effects of such treatments are too problematic for widespread use.
Details of the IIJH's organizational structure or funding sources are hazy. Exact origins of the institute are also unknown, although it is suspected that the founders are multi-national and come from a variety of backgrounds and fields, including academia, the arts, and public policy. For obvious reasons, the operations and whereabouts of the organization are, at least for now, veiled in secrecy, and it is difficult to find information about the IIJH or its methods. However, the IIJH headquarters is believed to be located in a renovated castle somewhere near Cologne, Germany. More information will be posted here as it becomes available.
--courtesy of C.O.O.L. Investigation Agency, Counterinsurgency Group; sources include personal communications with former IIJH patients and staff who must remain anonymous at this time.