the electronically challenged, you can make
your very own ItIsNotSafeToTurnOffYourComputerShutdownScreen!
Simply open the
file c:\windows\logos.sys (replace c:\windows with your actual windows folder, if it is
different) with
MSPaint (
run paint, go into
File, then
Open, and type in c:\windows\logos.sys). Then use the '
selector tool' to
select the T in "turn" (make sure to
grab some
background with it), copy it (Edit, Copy), and paste (Edit, Paste). Then move it over (left-click on it, hold mouse button, drag) so it looks more or less realistic over the W in "now" (release mouse button). Next, take the "pick color" tool (looks like a
dropper) and
click anywhere on the
dark background. Then
switch over to any
small brush and
remove the
remains of the W by simply
painting them over. Taking the background with T was for the
purpose of you not having to be able to tell where the T ends and the W begins.
Now, go to File, and click Save. Then simply shut down your system and, tada!
If anyone remembers which node asked how to explain stuff
to stupid users, link it here.
After having this screen on the computer for about 6 months, my family finally noticed it. When I came home I was greeted with the "You broke he computer again!" line.