For Official Use Only
(From the NSA Handbook)
Separate from classified information is information or material marked "FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY" (such as this handbook). This designation is used to identify that official information or material which, although unclassified, is exempt from the requirement for public disclosure of information concerning government activities and which, for a significant reason, should not be given general circulation.
Each holder of "FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY" (FOUO) information or material is authorized to disclose such information or material to persons in other departments or agencies of the Executive and Judicial branches when it is determined that the information or material is required to carry our a government function. The recipient must be advised that the information or material is not to be disclosed to the general public.
Material which bears the "FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY" caveat does not come under the regulations governing the protection of classified information. The unauthorized disclosure of information marked "FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY" does not constitute an unauthorized disclosure of classified defense information. However, Department of Defense and NSA regulations prohibit the unauthorized disclosure of information designated "FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY." Appropriate administrative action will be taken to determine responsibility and to apply corrective and/or disciplinary measures in cases of unauthorized disclosure of information which bears the "FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY" caveat. Reasonable care must be exercised in limiting the dissemination of "FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY" information.