Five Protectobots combine to form Defensor!


"As long as one innocent being is threatened, none are truly free."

Views humans as if they were his own children--will expend his last drop of fuel to protect them. Seeks human friendship, but humans fear his hulking, mechanical form. Can lift 300,000 pounds with one hand. Impervious to most artillery, can surround himself with force field for brief periods. Carries fireball cannon...shoots 2000º bursts of blue fire 1.5 miles.

  • Strength: 10
  • Intelligence: 7
  • Speed: 2
  • Endurance: 9
  • Rank: 6
  • Courage: 10
  • Firepower: 8
  • Skill: 8
Transformers Tech Specs

The Protectobots suffered from far worse exposure than their Decepticon counterparts, the Combaticons, getting only got significant use during two episodes in the TV cartoon. (They also appeared on Cybertron in "Rebirth" just long enough to shoot up Galvatron, then get shot up themselves.) Probably this is due to their very nature as protectors rather than fighters--this was, after all, a program about war toys at heart. Defensor got even less airtime, but he was actually one of the best-looking gestalt robots out there. There's no justice in the world of children's marketing, it seems.

Also a character created by Marvel Comics for their international Contest of Champions limited series.

Defensor, also known as Gabriel Carlos Dantes Sepulveda hails from Brazil, although his superhero duties take him all over the continent of South America.

Dressed like the Spanish Conquistadors, Defensor's power is to repel all energy attacks aimed at him back at his opponent, using a special golden shield, which appears to be his only offence. The shield does not appear to protect him from physical meleé attacks.

The Brazilian hero is also infamous for his machismo attitude, which he sees as a valid attempt at chivalry.

De*fen"sor (?), n. [L. See Defenser.]


A defender.


2. Law

A defender or an advocate in court; a guardian or protector.

3. Eccl.

The patron of a church; an officer having charge of the temporal affairs of a church.


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