2.25L of
beery goodness - the giant brown bottles of
NT Draught are touted as
quintessentially Darwinian.
While the biggest beer bottles in the world are probably an appropriate symbol for the city with the highest beer consumption per capita, Carlton United Breweries didn’t set out to manufacture a tourist gimmick. In 1956, CUB set up Darwin's first brewery (still going strong and providing tours and taste-testing to the interested), but no associated bottling plant. Bottled beer still had to be shipped from Melbourne. The logistical nightmare of shipping bottles such a distance was solved by increasing their volume.
Real Darwinians soon came to realise that 2.25L of beer gets warm long before you reach the end, won't fit in a stubbie holder and will test the average bladder to it's utmost limits. The Darwin Stubby is unlikely to be found in pubs (unless it’s a public holiday or other tourist-friendly beer-drinking event), but available in all good souvenir shops at exorbitant prices.