Or a short essay by someone trying to find something.
Ever since I started to think critically I was made aware of many events and things that surround me and which I wouldn't have noticed before. These things are people's foolish beliefs and idea's.
How can I just judge other people's idea's and beliefs, me being only a human and a 17 year old one at that? Well, as I said before, once I read "A Field Guide to Critical Thinking by James Lett", many things became absurd because of them being false. The short text can be found on www.totse.com for anyone interested. Well, the "guide" kinda changes your way of thinking. Why? Because it makes sense. Its logical. A perfect example would be something like saying "You know, I could also give you this salt crystal lamp, it evens out your body's energy level". Well first of all, what energy level? I get enough calories a day to live life at its fullest. So, if it evens it out, must be that my energy level is unbalanced huh? How could any one know that? But sure, he could say "Hey man, chill out! These lamps already helped thousands of people!". Well, so how many people went unaffected by these magic salt lamps? This is also very important. And if that crystal thingy helped one person once or twice, would it help the third time? Could it be proven in a lab? Also any theory or belief has to be both sound and valid. What do I mean by this? First of all it has to make sense. For example: "Males have square jaws. I have a square jaw. I am thus a male". That would be just plain wrong because one female with a square jaw would disprove the whole theory of "Square Jaw -> Male". Also, if someone said "Males have square jaws. I am a male. I must have a square jaw", that would be completely wrong because maybe I don't have a square jaw? Thus the theory of "Square Jaw -> Male" is false. Again.
Now I can be called a skeptic. And that would most probably be right because when I hear or learn of something, I try to at least think about it before I take it as a fact. Whilst I cannot do this at school because of the information overload and because proving even the theory of gravity would take some time for me, I have to take most of that for granted. But there is always a thought somewhere inside that says "Always consider that it might not be true, therefor keep your mind open to any other alternatives". And that single thought makes me aware, especially aware if someone thinks unreasonably.
What exactly made me write all this? Well, to name it exactly: God's Debris, a thought experiment. Its a very interesting read, especially since the author, Scott Adams, warns us in the beginning "The simplest explanation is usually right.
My experience tells me that in this complicated world the
simplest explanation is usually dead wrong. But I’ve noticed
that the simplest explanation usually sounds right and is far
more convincing than any complicated explanation could
hope to be.". This combined with critical thinking allowed me to view all the idea's presented in the book at a different level. I didn't believe anything before I thought about it. And I still don't believe much of it, especially the stuff about God's Dust and how everything is made out of it because there just isn't any evidence, and "extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence". If God really blew himself into bits and pieces and that was the Big Bang, then thats one helluva important thing. It would require some really important evidence to prove if it is right. But many other things do make sense. People thinking in patterns, Probability ruling the known universe and many other things like this. But I can't just take all that for granted, can I?
Well, lets think about how people think, or more accurately, how they believe. People have questions. Important questions. And when you have a question, you feel somewhat insecure, a bit dumb, and so curious that you can hardly sit around until you get an answer. Well, some questions are too hard to answer. For example: Does God exist? We cannot prove or disprove it. At least not without some very extensive research, and when I say extensive I mean EXTENSIVE, focusing much of humanity's efforts into this research and away from other things. But presently we just don't know. Yet there are believers and there are atheists. Some say that God exists and others say that he doesn't. Because they believe. Their mind creates a delusion to believe, because not knowing hurts way too much to endure. And now count how many people are like that? Living in a world filled with walls and gates that don't exist?
Yes, thats sad. There can only be one true statement. All the rest are false. If so then truth=1, false=∞-1 (and false=∞-1 still equals infinity!). That just shows how much easier it is to choose a delusion then the truth, how much easier it is to just sit down, relax, eat a Big Mac and continue living and believing then to think and search, search for the one truth.
Well, who are You? Are you the person to embrace life the way it flows, the good and bad things, the mud, shit, tar? The spotlights, love and joy? Or are You the person that wants to know why?. Why does this all happen? What really happens, not what the smiling guy on the news said yesterday, or what your mom always told you. Yeah, Santa doesn't exist you know, what if... What if other things were also a delusion, meant to stop your questions, train you to believe what they say instead of searching out the ultimate truth? Maybe it was meant to be this way? Humanity evolves, new inventions are created and yet billions of people live in an illusionary world? So what do they care about knowing the truth, they're alive and pretty well off, what could the truth change in their lives?
I don't know. I just don't know whether my quest for finding truth is rational or not. Whether this searching will give me something. Even if I know the truth, will it save people? Will it plunge them into another Stone Age? Or will they not give a shit about it, because it just doesn't change anything in their present lives? Yes... what will I gain? I believe I may gain insight and die with the thought that I've learned and saw something that not many other people know. Maybe, just maybe, if I act right and propagate the truth, some other people will "awaken"? Those are just possibilities, mere probabilities with lower or higher chances of happening.
Now I'm scared. Why? Because either I am more aware than the average Joe, or I've become much more delusional than many other people, believing in my own awareness, thus I might have become arrogant and stupid. And the only way to find out is to search, search until I am able to tell if I am yet another sheep, or a true searcher, a pilgrim in the search of truth, though I may never reach it or more probably get lost along the way.
It would be damn wonderfull if people could send me what they think about these idea's or the whole text. In other words: I'd be grateful for any feedback. It might help to bring me closer to the truth...