Sanguinaria canadensis
Also known as indian paint,
indian plant, indian red paint, pauson, red paint root, red puccoon, red
root, sanguinaria and tetterwort. Bloodroot is a small perennial plant which
grows to about 6 inches. Found in shaded, rich soils, the rootstock contains
a red juice when fresh. When dried, it turns yellow inside and brown
outside. It has basal, veined leaves, and grows a short, naked flower stem.
The plant bears a white flower with 8 to 12 petals.
The roots of this
plant are diuretic, emetic, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, sedative,
stimulant and tonic. It should only be used in very small doses. It may be
used externally for sores, eczema and other skin problems. Large doses are
sedative, and an overdose can be fatal. Seek medical advice before use.