At some point in time, everything is impossible. You couldn't sail to China across the Atlantic, but guess who tried? Of course, he never actually made it there, was working off the wrong principles (thinking the earth a far smaller place), and died forgotten, but it's the effort that counts, right?

Man couldn't fly, but then these bright fellas built the first airplane. And quite a few must have ojected to even the possibility that we might routinely send stuff whirring about the planet, and actually put out very lives at stake for them to keep on whirring about, and I suppose they must have had good evidence for their opinions, for that is all that they were, opinions.

And what's around the corner, you may ask? Nanotech, quantum computers, a dozen things to brighten up the day and make our lives that wee bit better, perhaps even extend them to infinity, and that for sure is impossible, wouldn't you say?