A member of Warren Ellis's comic-book superhero team, The Authority.

Apollo and his partner The Midnighter are an inseparable pair, both symbolically, romantically and professionally, and while they are each characters in their own right, neither can be fully understood without reference to the other. In this way, they can be seen to form a dramaturgical dyad.

Apollo is very similar to an old Action Comics character from the 40s, Super-Man, though Apollo is not quite as powerful. He can fly - very quickly - and his body is extremely resistant to physical attack. All of these abilities are powered by the sun; he can store solar energy for later use, and his eyes are able to convert incoming light to laser beams. He looks like Richard Gere, with long silver hair, and his lycra-looking bodysuit is white, with a golden version of the triangular Stormwatch logo on the chest. He often has a visible sunlight halo.

Apollo was deliberately created under the regime of nutcase Stormwatch weatherman Henry Bendix. He and The Midnighter were left high and dry after their first mission went wrong, and they fought crime while living on the streets for some time. When Stormwatch tracked them down (now led by the impressively sane Jackson King), they helped neutralise this bad-guy installation called Nevada Gardens, and rejoined Stormwatch.

After Stormwatch was disbanded, our heroes joined Jenny Sparks's ambitious new team, The Authority. Apollo soon emerged as a key member, regarded as the team's big gun.

Ellis and the rest of the creative team were nominated for a GLAAD award in March of 2000 for their portrayal of these pioneering openly gay superheroes.