(For thy browsing pleasure: <-- Day --> | <-- Dream --> | Wolf's Dreamworld )

I was in my home - though it didn't completely look like my home... it was a lot bigger place than that.

At one point, I was playing a game that involved rolling icosahedron-shaped orange things down the hill - once the orange "balls" would collide with other orange "balls", they'd disappear and turn into one yellow "ball" and so on.

I also have a really vague idea about some swimmers and a jetty that seemed to move with its own will...

I had washed Mikko the plush fox in the kitchen... but after I had soaked it, I remembered I wasn't supposed to do that! So it shrunk. At one point it lost its color, and regained it. It lost its form, then at one point it began to look like a fox again, then not. Finally, all I had was one vaguely fox-shaped piece of pink plastic. I put that to the cupboard, wishing I'd find a new plush fox that would look like Mikko. I wanted to cry.

I remember my father was visiting, but he never said where he had come from or where he was going - he just came and went... At one point Reno was here too. We played Tux Racer 0.2 (with a computer that was in my kitchen, the monitor in an open cupboard) - I explained I had not got the new version to work yet. At one point my father came here, and Reno seemed to be scared... I just said to my father "Oh, this is Reno".