This is a pretty interesting blog. Journalist Michael Kimber started it ( in early 2010 after recovering from a nervous breakdown caused by intense anxiety. Kimber writes about his experiences, ideas, and opinions, with the goal of bringing together people who are suffering inside so that they can help one another cope with their illnesses as well as fight against the shame and loneliness of mental illness in modern society.

It sounds like noble, boring reading, maybe a bit too specialized for general entertainment browsing. But no! Kimber’s prose is vivid and creative, often very consciously crazy-sounding, and consistently appealing and gripping. This has led to his being signed with a major literary agency, with the results that “in a year he went from wearing pajamas, making his couch depression HQ to leaving his hometown for the Toronto, where he exclusively wears business suits and the armor of ancient Greeks.” That’s Kimber, writing about himself in the third person in the "About" section. (“The Toronto” is deliberate.) Despite the suits, though, Kimber has/makes time to blog about hilariously triumphant job interviews, the interplay between creativity and mental illness, the culture of violence and how it rather than mental illness is to be blamed for violent crime, the love and support of friends and family, and the unavoidable awful haircut. Sometimes, when he’s responding to other people in the community that has grown up around the site, he’s touchingly tender and sincere. Other times, when talking about the larger problem of the way mental illness is handled in the world today, he’s full of classic angry activism. And sometimes, he writes simply, poetically, and beautifully. It’s all worth a good chunk of your free time.