Some self-described dotcom is interested in hiring me. Honestly, I'd really rather work for Berkeley or the Asian Art Museum. I saw their office building, which is in the IKON building between Alameda and the Oakland Coliseum. Very...generic. But, I have my very first job interview, so that's encouraging, eh? And I'm SUPPOSED to meet Starrynight and do Nihonmachi and Tangrenjie, but he hasn't called or e-mailed yet,

I got hooked up with and they may prove to be okay. Works fine with Outlook Express, at any rate. Props ta Segnbora-t for the suggestion. (I think 'twas she, at any rate)

I have relationship turbulence. It makes me terribly distressed. I don't like it. Plus I don't know what's going on tomorrow. I need chocolate.

Oh, and MSIE 5.5 is giving me a 403 Forbidden on every website. I'm having to use the AOL browser, for crying out loud.