Cattle is a rather general term, applied to large groups (herds) of the animals. But sometimes you really need to know exactly what to call that particular bovine beast whose mooing is making you lose sleep. Try these:

Calf - a young bovine of either sex; this term is used if said beast is young enough that it hasn't yet been weaned. An infant, in other words.

Cow - an adult female and only an adult female, common usage to the contrary.

Bull - an adult male that has survived adolescence with its testicles intact; an uncastrated male.

Ox - an adult male that has been castrated. More generally, any bovine used to pull a cart, plow, etc., as opposed to the horses usually conscripted for such tasks.

Heifer - a young female, or a female that has not given birth.

Steer - a young male that has been castrated.

Bullock - a young male that has not.