This node is for the purpose of displaying the codenames of the various major versions of Windows&trade, if you have any more, please /msg me and I'll add them.

Janus          - Windows 3.1      - Released in 1992
Snowball       - Windows 3.11     - Released in 1993
Daytona        - Windows NT 3.5   - Released in 1994
Cairo          - Windows NT 4.0   - Released in 1996
Chicago        - Windows 95       - Released in 1996
Memphis        - Windows 98       - Released in 1998
Windows NT 5.0 - Windows 2000     - Released in 2000
Millennium     - Windows ME       - Released in 2000
Whistler       - Windows XP       - Released in 2001

The current codename for the next proposed version of windows is Longhorn and Blackcomb after that.

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