Eastenders family trees

Below are the family trees for some of the major families in the BBC TV soap opera Eastenders, as of the start of 2003. Each entry in the tree gives a character name. Below this is the name of the actor who played the role, and below that are the dates of birth (b), marriage (m) and/or death (d) of the character (not the actor). The symbol "=" is used to indicate a marriage, and "x" to show where a couple had a child outside of marriage, whether or not they were in a relationship at the time. A "+" by a character's name indicates they are dead.

Most of the material for this is taken off the BBC website at http://www.bbc.co.uk/eastenders

I have hardlinked the most important actors on the show. If you want me to include a link to someone else, please /msg me. Also contact me if you have problems with the formatting, or suggestions as to how it could be better displayed.


                         Albert = Lou+
                         Beale+   Anna
                                | Wing
    |               |                             |                             |
    |               |                             |                             |
Margaret      Kenny Beale = Barbara Beale      Pauline = Arthur     Pat [1] = Pete   = [2]Kathy
Medeeny                   |                    Beale     Fowler     Wicks     Beale+   Hills
    |                     |                    Wendy   | Bill       Pam St.   Peter    Gillian
    |                     |                    Richard | Treacher   Clements  Dean     Taylforth
    |                Elizabeth                         | m 1965     m 1963             m 1968 
    |                                                  |                                 | 
Conor   = Geraldine    ________________________________|_______________    Cindy [1] = Ian     = [2]Melanie = [3]Laura
Flaherty               |                          |                   |    Williams+   Beale     Healy        Dunn
Sean                   |                          |                   |    Michelle    Adam      Tamzin       Hannah
Gleesom        Mark Fowler                        |                   |    Collins     Woodyatt  Owthwaite    Waterman
    |          Todd Carty           Den     x Michelle x Grant        |     m 1989               m 1999       m 2001
    |          b 1968               Watts+    Fowler     Mitchell     |         |
    |          = [1]Gill            Leslie    Susan      Ross         |         |
Mary             Robinson+          Grantham  Tully      Kemp       Martin      |____________
Flaherty         m 1992                |                  |         Fowler      |           |
Melanie        = [2]Ruth Aitken        |                  |         James       |           |
Clark Pullen     Caroline Paterson     |                  |         Alexandrou  |           |
                 m 1995                |                  |         b 1985      |           |
               = [3]Lisa Shaw        Vicki              Mark                  Lucy         Peter
                 Lucy Benjamin       Fowler             Fowler, Jr            Beale        Beale
                 m 2002                                                       Casey Anne   Joseph
                                                                              Rothery      Shade
                                                                              b 1993       b 1993

Mitchell (and Raymond)

           (see below)
Eric [1]  = Peggy   = [2] Frank                                      Louise [1] = Terry   = [2] Irene
Mitchell              Butcher                                                   | Raymond   Roberts
m 1960      Barbara   Mike                                                      | Gavin     Roberta
      |     Windsor   Reid                                  ____________________| Richards  Taylor
      |     b 1942    m 1999                                |                   |
      |                                             Simon Raymond b 1974        |
      |                                             Andrew Lynford              |
            |                                      |                                         | 
            |                                      |                            |            |
Kathy   = Phil     x Lisa           Sharon [1] = Grant    x Michelle    = [2]Tiffany      Sam Mitchell   = Ricky
Beale     Mitchell   Shaw           Watts        Mitchell   Fowler        Raymond         Daniella         Butcher
Gillian   Steve      Lucy           Letitia      Ross       Susan         Martine         Westbrook then   Sid
Taylforth McFadden   Benjamin       Dean         Kemp       Tully         McCutcheon      Kim Medcalf      Owen
m 1995    b 1961       |            m 1991       b 1962       |           b 1976          b 1975           m 1991
 |                     |                                      |           m 1997|
 |                     |                                      |              |
Ben                  Louise                                 Mark          Courtney
Mitchell             Fowler                                 Fowler, Jr    Mitchell

Second branch (Billy is Peggy's first huband Eric's first cousin)

                   Billy's paternal
              |                |
         Peggy's unnamed    Billy's unnamed
         father in law      father
             |               __|_____________________
             |               |                      |
 Peggy  = Eric            Billy    ? Maureen      Charlie   = Lynne
 Barbara  Mitchell        Mitchell   Slater       Mitchell+   m 1981
 Windsor  (see above)     Perry      Kacey          |
 m 1960                   Fenwick    Ainsworth      |
 (see above)              b 1959                    |
                                                 b 1982
                                                 d 2002


(i) The Slaters

                                           |                       |
                      unknown x Mo     = Jimmy                   Pat
                         |      Porter   Harris                  Harris
 ________________________|      Leila    m 1965                  Pam St.
 |                              Morse      |                     Clement
 |           James              b 1936     |                     (see below)
 |           Slater                      __|_______________
 |              |                        |                |
 |       _______|__________________     Billy            Jean
 |       |                        |
Viv = Charlie                     |
      Slater                      |
      Derek                       |
      Martin                      |
      m 1967                      |
        |                         |
        |                         | 
  |                     |                   |               |
  |                     |         |         |               |
Lynne  = Gary         Kat     x Harry    Belinda = Neville  |
Slater   Hobbs        Slater    Slater   Slater    Peacock  |
Elaine   Ricky        Jessie    Michael  Leanne             |
Lordan   Groves       Wallace   Elphick  Lakey              |
b 1968   m 2001       b 1970 |                              |
                             |                  Trevor = Maureen  ? Billy
                           Zoe                  Morgan   Slater     Mitchell
                           Slater               Alex     Kacey      Perry
                           Michelle             Ferns    Ainsworth  Fenwick
                           Ryan                          b 1977
                           b 1984

(ii) The husbands of Pat Harris-Beale-Wicks-Butcher-Evans

         (see above)
Pete [1] = Pat     = [2] Brian = [3] Frank   = [4] Roy
Beale+     Harris    Wicks           Butcher       Evans 
Peter      Pam St.   m 1967          Mike          Tony
Dean       Clement       |           Reid          Caunter
m 1936     b 1942        |           m 1989        b 1935
                         |                         m 1996
                    |         |
       Carol    x David     Simon x Cindy
       Branning   Wicks     Wicks   Williams+
       Lindsay    Michael   Nick    Michelle
       Coulson    French    Berry   Collins
                |                 |
                |                 |
             Bianca            Steven
             Jackson           Beale
             Patsy             Edward
             Palmer            Savage
                               b 1989