A chip multiprocessor. CMPs place several processors on one die and can be potentially faster than other SMP techniques because the processors sit on a fast internal bus and share L2 cache. IBM's Power4 processor is a CMP.

CMP is also a 6502 instruction that does a subtraction A - N, throwing away the result but updating the flags as if the instruction were SBC. Often used for comparisons.

  • Function: A - N => bit bucket
  • Updates flags: S . . . . . Z C
  • Opcode numbers:
    (d,x) $C1
    dp    $C5
    imm   $C9
    abs   $CD
    (d),y $D1
    d,x   $D5
    a,y   $D9
    a,x   $DD

Similar: CPX | CPY | SBC
See also: 6502 instructions | 6502 addressing modes