Someone once tried this on me a year or two back when I was daily wearing a kilt. She stuck a digital SLR on a stick under the kilt, aimed upward, and got slapped HARD. Then she called the police on me, for assault. She got arrested, although I never heard what happened after that. I gave a statement but as far as I know it never got to court. Had they been a man and I had been a woman it would have been different, but as it was the only repercussion for them was likely the bloody nose and a dropped SLR camera.

The interesting parallel to this for me is that I have been long thinking and writing about data privacy, and peeking at someone else's files feels to me like someone is attempting an upskirt pic. I get righteously indignant if someone tries it on me, and if someone is snooping at my stuff and I can reach them, they'll get equally slapped hard. But most of our files these days live on the cloud and we rarely if ever get to know if someone has their nose in our stuff.

It's the worst kind of invasion of privacy, poking about under someone's skirt without their knowledge or permission. I believe we have the right to retain the dignity of inviolable privacy under any circumstance, no matter what.

$ xclip -o | wc -w
Qualifies for Brevity Quest 2024