Crowdstrike LOL

The Pwnie Awards, established in 2008, are anannual set of awards given out in the field of information security at Def Con. They recognize notable achievements and failures in security research, technology, and practice. The "Most Epic Fail" category specifically highlights a significant cock-up in the security domain. This year there can be no doubt that the winner is Crowdstrike, and I am delighted to note that the Crowdstrike president not only accepted the award but did so graciously, in front of a cheering crowd of attendees at the conference.

Like so many "fail" awards (see also Razzies), this one, whilst humorous in nature, highlights serious issues. In this case, the award notes security vulnerabilities;poor security practices whether in implementation or management oversight; inadequate responses to issues, highlighting failures to respond in a timely or appropriate manner. Increasingly, in the software world, security should be a primary, key component of any service or product. The Epic Fail Award calls attention to these issues in the hope that developers will learn from others' mistakes and create better products.

Past winners include (2014) The NSA’s PRISM program, for its extensive and controversial surveillance practices, was noted for the its implications for privacy and security. Then there's the 2017 Equifax data breach, one of the largest and most damaging in history, was recognised for the massive failure in handling and protecting sensitive consumer data.

Every year there are more, and more serious breaches of security, and increasingly we are all affected. It's little wonder that I have donned my tinfoil hat and decline to use many of the services deemed "necessary" in today's world. It's in everyone's interest to pay attention to the lack of security and good management in the services we rely on daily.

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