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Omnia Discordia

We have no illusions about how far a piece of writing can reach. Sending out new ideas into this world without a multi-million dollar marketing scheme have about as good a chance at reaching their destination as a paper airplane in a hurricane.

But, we take our chances.

For the most part, the people that put this document together agree that the planet that we live on has become a foul place, and we agree that something needs to be done.

But we disagree on damn near everything else.

We disagree on how it has come to this mess, and we disagree on the direction it is all heading to.

What we have observed is that the more people are able to think for themselves, the less willing they become to exhaust themselves at someone else's command. An open-minded person is better able to see past the illusions that have this civilization headed toward what seems to be a fiery demise, and may even do something about it.

We acknowledge that it would be in everybody’s best interest if there were more creative and critical thinkers analyzing the situation and broadcasting their observations.

Where this would take us, we don't really know.

But we have come to a situation where it seems that any change would be a good change.

The history of the entire known universe
and a long legacy of philosophical and scientific exploration
has resulted in this effort to get you to do some
critical thinking.

And if you turn it down, you're gonna get left behind.

You've gotta catch up on your own.

Because no one else is turning back to save you.

Source (excerpted from):
and believed to be in the public domain or, at the least, copyleft
The Black Iron Prison, 2007

Edited for content, context, spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation,
and to be read in the time allotted.

Posted this Boomtime, the 56th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3190